Friday, March 11, 2005

Toilet Minutes

I really don’t understand people who spend a great deal of time in the bathroom reading newspapers, magazines, and other things while sitting on the toilet. Isn’t the whole idea to spend as little time as possible on the toilet? I don’t really understand the whole reading concept in the bathroom. Is the article about local school budget cuts going to make you go? People say “Oh it relaxes me.” I say read on the couch, relax, the when you have to go, head into the bathroom and take care of your business. Some people are have to get in some sort of "zone" to go, kind of like those karate guys right before they break a board with their head. I’m really not too sure I want to be reading that book or newspaper after someone had it on the toilet with them.

Ever use the bathroom at someone’s house and the toilet paper is extremely low and you know you are going to need more but you don’t know where they keep the backup rolls? Quite the dilemma! I know you should check beforehand, but sometimes you may have to go and you forget to look. Even better, ever flush someone’s toilet at their house and the water rises in the toilet like it’s going to overflow and you go into a panic? It’s not even that you clogged it or anything, the water just suddenly rises for no good reason and you pray every second that it won’t overflow. That totally sucks too.


Bridget Unnel said...

The first time my now brother-in-law came over to meet my parents, he flooded -- and I mean flooded the bathroom. They walked in as he was mopping up the foyer.

supplymadam said...

I say sh#@! or get off the pot!