Monday, March 28, 2005

Bowling For.........

I thought the weekend would turn out to be dull due to the fact that I had a ton of cleaning, food shopping, and cooking to do. I was nominated to host Easter this year. I still managed to have fun in between all the work this weekend. When did I start to suck at bowling? I used to be pretty good at bowling. The fact that I had not bowled in over two years may have been a factor, but I sucked up the joint Saturday Night! I think I bowled a 99 and a 113!!!! How bad is that? It may have had a good deal to do with those funky bowling shoes you rent when you get there. Could they be any uglier? Not to mention the neon laces that glow in the dark when they dim the lights and play ABBA. On top of it, I can never find a bowling ball that fits my fingers. I have big hands and fingers and it takes me three tours around the bowling alley to find a ball. I was lucky enough to find one after a few walks around and a couple of Michael Jackson songs the DJ spun. I found a bright orange ball that was just splendid. So not only were my laces glowing, the ball was also. Neon laces, an orange bowling ball, and “Beat It” playing…..I started to take stock of my life at that moment. Then the computer screwed up and would not re-rack the pins. I was hitting all kinds of buttons on that control panel. I had no idea what I was doing. All kinds of things were flashing. I think you need a bowling computer terminal degree to figure that thing out when there is a scoring issue or what not. Finally the 15 year old kid bowling next to us worked it all out. That definitely made me feel intelligent. How about the walk from the counter to your lane with either 2 different shoes on (one bowling and one of yours) or one shoe on and one off? That’s always a treat! It was a fun night despite all the bowling alley issues you have to deal with each time you go bowling.


Molly said...

Oh yeah I am a BIG fan of bowling. there is something satisfactory about hurling a ball at some pins...

I share your ball-finding pain as I have really long skinny fingers and when I get a ball heavy enough (I like "power" bowling...gotta show those pins who is the BOSS) the finger holes are friggin' huge. It takes a monster python clench death grip to keep the ball in my hand and the thumb/finger holes are always too close together...that gives me hand cramps.

Anonymous said...

LMAO! I can see you moonwalking in those neon-laced bowling shoes, carrying that orange ball, and "Beat It" playing! You are a riot C-Mac!

supplymadam said...

Hey haven't commented latley. Had a rough week. My little doggie passed away and I haven't been in a blogging mood. But I am slowly getting back in the swing of things.
I would like to comment on the bowling thing because I am a bowler
myself. No fun trying to find a ball that fits. When on a league you get yourself a ball drilled t your specs so when you hold it in your hand there is no effort on your part to hold it because your hand fits in it naturally and ther is no squeezing of the fingers to hold it.As far as the shoes go, it is always good to have your own shoes for about 25.00 so as not to have to put your feet where others have gone before. Pretty nasty stuff. I remember the days of shoe rental with the icky thought of other feet being in those same shoes.
I'm sure CMAC is a better bowler than that. You probalbly just had an off night. Even us regular bowlers have those nights.