Thursday, March 24, 2005

Restaurant Seating

Restaurants have various seating "layouts." Some have booths as well as tables. Some just tables, some just booths. Ever sit at a half booth/half table? Like one person gets to sit on the cushiony bench and the other person sits on a regular chair and there is a table between you both? The bench is like 20 feet long and all tables are lined up in front of it for varios parties to dine. The problem with this arrangement is that you sit about a foot away from a complete stranger who can hear your entire conversation. It's annoying. I know I am not talking top secret matters, but a little dining privacy is always nice. I always wonder if people are listening in to someone's conversation. I am a pretty loud talker at times and I am sure people hear me. Last night I was trying to talk low so people next to me could not hear my conversation. Between the music and my adjusted voice, I know the person I was with had trouble understanding me at times. I say they should leave at least 6 feet between tables! Also, what is the deal with couples who sit on the same side of a booth and leave the other side empty? How do you converse with someone sitting right next to you? Isn't it easier to look right at someone? Save the sitting next to for the couch at home!


Molly said...

Oh, I hate the sit on the same side of the booth couples. My rule is if a guy I am dating EVER tries to sit on my side of the booth/table (when no other people are involved) it is an unpardonable offense!

supplymadam said...

I hate that too,Molly. It's so teenagerish. I like to face people.
I don't like when people carry on a conversation on their cell phones or make noise when they chew or open their mouths when they eat. YOU ARE IN PUBLIC PEOPLE! Didn't your mother teach you anything?

Sylvana said...

Yeah, people are listening to your conversations. Sometimes it's just impossible not to. Just console yourself with the knowledge that what you have to say is just that interesting and that they are strangers.

Anonymous said...

If I did not know you, I'd definitely want to sit near you and listen in! You are always a riot and never run out of things to say. I am sure you entertained whoever sat near you.

So, was it a date Wednesday night? If so, good for you Mac Daddy! You need to find yourself a nice girl, no more crazies!