Monday, March 21, 2005

Horn vs Phone

I noticed that there are still obnoxious people out there that pull up in front of other people's homes and "honk" the horn when they pull up to pick them up. Isn't this an outdated way of communicating? Everyone has cell phones now and use them for every other reason except to let someone know when they are in front of someone's house. Last night at about 8, this crazy woman across the street was basically pressing against her mini van horn with all her might to pick one of her kids up. This honk lasted for 45 seconds straight and happened three or four times. What kind of an idiot does this? Get out of your car and go to the door you lazy bitch or call from your cell and let them know you are out front. Then at 1130, just as I had fallen asleep I heard another horn on the street behind my house honking for someone. What the fuck? I live in a residential area, not the city! Not that it is even acceptable in the city to do! Why can't people consider other people when making these decisions? Is it that hard to call someone and say I'm out front? Or call them when you are down the block and say I'm on your block, I'll be there in a minute so the person can be ready and come out? The one time people SHOULD use their cell phone, they choose the fuckin' horn and disrupting my quality of life instead!


Bridget Unnel said...

As I read more and more of your posts, the feeling that you and I are twins separated at birth becomes less and less crazy!! I HAAAAAAAAAAATE those lazy-butt honkers. Oh, I feel a sudden rush of Windex-infused rage coming on... LOL!

Molly said...

Just this past Saturday while I was running a 5K it went through a residential neighborhood, it is 9:30am and there is this dumbass sitting in a driveway LAYING on the horn. The race passed this same point twice and about 5 minutes later when I went by again the lazy ass was STILL sitting there laying on the horn. I yelled (but of course could not be heard over the obnoxious honking) "I don't think they are coming out buddy...think ya are gonna have to actually walk to the door!"

I too abhor inconsiderate people, do they just not think?

Bridget Unnel said...

Running? At 9:30 am on a Saturday? Egads, Molly. You're supposed to sleep in on the weekend!

Anonymous said...

I too used to live across the street from a family that had moved in from the Bronx and thought it was the typical thing to do in a quiet, residential was so annoying! I believe that some people love to be loud to get the attention-you know what, those people suck!