Monday, March 07, 2005

Lost Keys

Have you ever noticed that when you lose your car keys you end up looking in some strange places for them? First you do the "retrace my steps" thing and actually act out the scene in your mind of when you last possessed the keys. You walk from the car into the house, looking down at the ground to see if you dropped them. You check everyplace you think you walked when you got in the house. It's kind of like those reenactments on those police TV shows. When that fails you look in crazy places like freezers, bathtubs, closets, shoes, places keys would NEVER be. You always find the keys in an obvious place, a place that you've already checked five or six times. Your gym bag suddenly has a secret pocket or something they wound up in. You always can't find the keys when you are in a hurry and have to be someplace right away too. You never lose your keys when you just have to run to the store for something stupid. It's always when you have to go to work, pick someone up, or have an appointment.......


Bridget Unnel said...

Your gym bag sprouts new pockets, too? We must have bought them from the same company. LOL!!

Anonymous said...

maybe you should get the electronic key finder from Sharper Image. GOOO YANKEES!

Anonymous said...

Try saying "Hell With it I have to go I'll look for them later!" And then looking down to see them hanging from the rear brake pedal on your bike at 100mph on Sunrise Highway! (What a feeling!)

Anonymous said...

Try saying "Hell With it I have to go I'll look for them later!" And then looking down to see them hanging from the rear brake pedal on your bike at 100mph on Sunrise Highway! (What a feeling!)

supplymadam said...

I just hate when I misplace keys. I'm very uptight about my keys. I always put them in the same spot and if I forget they are usually in my coat pocket. Keys go right in any accesible pocket,coat or pants. Never in the purse(or else I'll never find them)