Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The Drive Up ATM

Ok, I have a very important question to ask. Why do the drive up ATM machines have braille on them? What blind person is driving through for a quick withdrawal? The only blind person I've ever seen driving was Al Pacino in "Scent of a Woman" and it was scary. I am all for handicapped accommodations, but braille on a drive up ATM may be taking it too far.

Ever go to like Six Flags or any other big "Amusement Park?" They have HUNDREDS of handicapped parking spots, yet you never see someone being wheeled around within the park in a wheelchair, on crutches, or anything of that nature. Why all those handicapped spots? There are so many at the supermarkets too. What are the odds of 30 handicapped people showing up at the same supermarket to park at the same time? The spots are always empty. I know if I was handicapped, screw the handicapped spot, I'd want my ass dropped off right at the front door. I can honestly say, I've never parked in a handicapped spot, but the thought has crossed my mind when I just needed one quick item at the store. I've thought of getting out and faking a limp. Guilt always gets the better of me though. The handicapped spot is like a mirage when you can't find parking. You see it from a mile away and race to the spot thinking it's a regular are so excited thinking you beat everyone to it, only to see the blue lines.

1 comment:

supplymadam said...

Now this is ironic. I have 2 friends that have a handicap sticker and my mother also. So whenever I am with either of these 3 people I get the privilage of parking in the handicap spot. Then they all 3 complain "You can never find a handicap spot"(which sometimes is true depending on where we are going)One of my friends doesn't look hanicapped at all(she has a prosthesis)and people stare at us whenever we park in the handicap spot. She'll look right at them and say"you have a problem"? I told her she should keep a cigarette in her car and stick it in her mouth when people stare and say "I have a heart condition,you mind"?