Thursday, March 10, 2005

$9.00????? What the F????

I was listening to the news this morning and they were saying that all the bridge tolls in and out of NYC are going up AGAIN as of 3am Sunday. It is now going to be $9.00 to cross the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge!!!! NINE bucks to drive across a fuckin' bridge, are they insane? Do you get a blow-job with that? I mean seriously now. How can they justify NINE dollars to drive across a bridge? Everything seems to be priced out of control these days. You have to give your first born and a testicle to fill your gas tank, two bags of groceries at the store is like $60.00, what the hell is going on?

The problem is, people just accept shit now. back in the day, people took shit to the streets and made changes. Today people just say yes to everything and then we all get fucked. Nobody takes a stand anymore. The government starts a war and we lose 1500+ troops based on false intelligence and government fabrication ...and people just say ok and put these fuckin' magnetic "support the troops" ribbons on their cars, gas is $2.10 a gallon, people still buy SUV's and don't give a shit, the environment is totally going to shit, half the country has no healthcare, prescription drugs are not affordable for a good portion of our population, I can go on and on....but people just go about their daily routines and don't care and we keep getting screwed even more. When is it going to stop?


Bridget Unnel said...

I know exactly how you feel. NJTransit announces that they cannot possibly continue to operate at the current fares, so they're going to raise the cost to rise the rails another 13% on average, after raising them 10% just two years ago. That 13% translates into another $50 a month -- another $600 a year. They held a bunch of bullshit public hearings to discuss the so-called fare increase "proposal" but nobody showed as it's well-known that it's a done deal. The outrage was that they then turned around and lowered teh rent they'll charge the damn ferry company at the new terminal. What the f*ck? You can cut them a break, but not as mere peasants?

As for the ridiculous magnetic "Support our Troops" car ribbons, don't get me started. Look at me, so patriotic. So what have you done to support the troops REALLY? Have you sent a care package? Have you contacted your senators on their behalf? No, you just drive around in your oversized behemoth of a gas-guzzling vehicle WITH THE RIBBON ON SIDEWAYS. It's a ribbon people, not a fish. The rounded part goes on the top. ^*$&^*^*@@!!

supplymadam said...

They know they got you with these increases. Why is that the working class always gets the shit end of the deal. I say use a personal income tax for scholl taxes(sorry renters) but since we bought our home our school taxes have gone up 3x totalling 121.00per month. That's on top of the already 310 per month we were paying and on top of property tax of 600.00 per month. I am fed up of having to pay for the renters children too.
Now they want to increase tolls and railways. It's getting out of control. They need to manage these funds better instead f big government puttin their slimmy hands on our tax dollars and these school officials skimming off that money. Buying million dollar homes in the Hamptons and apartments in Manhattan on their 80,000.00 a year salary. And here are the work people struggling to get by. I live in Suffolk County and 25% of our property tax goes to welfare. Okay I am a little angry but don't I have the right to be?