Friday, March 18, 2005


Good Morning to all. Sluggish this morning after a St. Patrick's Night out and about in Long Beach. The Irish music got to me after a while and was happy when they switched it up with some U2 and some Irish "rock."

So, I am watching a little television this morning and I see one of many commercials for new cars. There are way too many on TV now. What I noticed on each commercial is the boasting of the car's "horsepower." Why the hell in 2005 are we still concerned with the amount of horses this is equivalant to? The car goes 0-60 in 5 seconds and I give a shit about how many horses this compares to? When people rode horses back in the day did they say their horse was equivalent to 120 donkeys? I just don't understand why someone would need to know, or better yet, why cars are still measured in horsepower. What's next, snowmobiles that say "1000 sled dog power" on them? Cars have every modern luxury known to man in them now, yet we still love comparing them to horses.

1 comment:

supplymadam said...

I'd rather ride a horse!