Wednesday, March 23, 2005

64 Colors.....

Remember when you were a kid and you had that box of 64 Crayola crayons that was like bigger than your head? It came with the built in "sharpener" and everyone had it. Was it me, or was the crayon pretty much finished once you peeled back that paper and stuck it in that sharpener? It always chewed up my crayon and that was that. No more Burnt Orange! The names of those colors still crack me up. I think Crayola made up their own colors. Here are some of the funnier BS colors that I think some Crayola mad scientist invented:

Cornflower: What the F?
Burnt Sienna: Is this necessary?
Sepia: Need I say more?
Raw Sienna: I guess this is uncooked or unburnt Sienna
Raw Umber: Ridiculous
Thistle: Whaaaaaat?
Midnight Blue: Strange Color
Carnation Pink: I guess regular pink wasn't enough
Orchid: Enough flower colors!

I always liked Periwinkle, Brick Red, and Sea Green. I have a brother and a sister so when we used to color, we'd like fight for the certain colors and the weakest one (usually my little brother) would get screwed and have to color Oscar the Grouch in his Sesame Street coloring book Magenta because we wouldn't let him have the green. He still may be traumatized from this.....


Bridget Unnel said...

I loved Crayola crayons and all their silly names!! Sadly, I don't really remember any of them... I guess I could cheat and Google it, but I'm feeling lazy this morning. I tried to grap a cup of coffee at the local 7-11 on the way in to wake me up, but the cashier was on the phone and I didn't want to interrupt....

Molly said...

I too loved Crayola Crayons, but luckily enough for me my siblings were all enough older that I got the entire box to myself. I am sure I would have kung-fued their ass if they tried to take my favorite colors. I was always partial to Midnight Blue. If you look at the sky some nights late it is blue instead of black and it is just the color of that crayon...

How about those newer scratch and sniff crayons? Coloring with those gave me a headache!

supplymadam said...

I can't remember any of the colors either. Wow that was a long time ago.I a younger than my brother but he had his toys and I also had his toys.His toys were more interesting. Hmmmmm. I say boy toys for all the girls!