Tuesday, March 01, 2005

To Tell, Or Not To Tell.............

Have you ever had a conversation with someone at work and they keep touching their nose? Like they rub it or itch it? I hate when this happens because I always think that they might be hinting that I have something on my nose. So then I start touching my nose. When they leave, I run to the bathroom mirror to make sure there's not something on my nose. Am I just paranoid? What is the rule about telling someone they have something hanging from their nose or something in their teeth, or body odor? Is it how close you are with them? I don't think I'd ever tell anyone they stink unless:

A) I knew them VERY well
B) The stink was not an isolated incident, like they just played volleyball in 100 degree heat.
C) The stink would have to be smelled on them at least three times from non-activity related causes.
D) A booger is something I'd tell anyone regardless of how well I knew them. Stink is a much more personal matter.
E) Something in the teeth, another "must tell" issue no matter how well you know them.
F) Breath issues, I wouldn't mention if they just ate garlic or something of that nature. If it's a daily thing that is absolutely terrible, I'd mention it if I was in close contact with them often.

I get paranoid about things. I always chew gum and have a ton of mints in my car and office. It's weird when you go for a mint and you are with someone. I always like to offer anyone I'm with candy, gum, or mints, but I always worry that they will think I am hinting something to them rather than just being nice and giving them a treat..........


Bridget Unnel said...

I've worked with someone for eight years and have yet to figure out how to tell him when he has cheese at the corners of his mouth. Sadly, it's a common occurrence. When he speaks, it becomes string cheese... [shudder shudder]

supplymadam said...

eewww,string cheese! That is just nasty. I can't believe this person has no clue or doesn't want a clue.
When it comes to personal hygiene I say "whaaaas up?" I bowl with this guy who has breath like something died in there. None of us have told him we just back up when he talks(get the hint Joe)? Obviously not. It's even worse whe he goes outside for his one of many cigarettes and comes back in. The the stinch is just amplified. What a nasty individual. Also every bowling season another tooth is blacker or just missing. I don't know how we got stuck with this person.
As far as something stuck in teeth, I agree with CMac,it is only right to tell the person. I m guilty of an itchy nose though. I'm not trying to tell anyone that they have a bugger in thier noses I think certain enviroments make it itch. There are alot of nerve endings there.

Anonymous said...

Charlie, what would you recommend for ear issues? :)

Charlie Mc said...

Ear issues? hmmmmmmm...guess the same thing as ass issues I suupose.