Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Drive Thru Windows

I hate drive thru windows at places. Unless it’s pouring and I don’t want to get wet, I never go to a drive thru. I am not a fast food fan, but on the occasions where I crave a taco or a burger I always go in, even if I am taking it home. I do this for a few reasons, most of all they always fuck up at the drive thru and forget items in your bag. I think they put the biggest loser of an employee on drive thru because they always screw your order up. I have never had an “inside” employee screw up my order. It’s something about that window that fucks the employees up. You get all the way home only to discover the Mexican pizza you could almost taste is missing. Makes me CRAZY! Then it's like you don't even want to go all the way back. If you try to check your order at the drive up line, people behind you get all pissy because you tie the line up. There is no winning at that drive thru. I also think the drive thru is a waste of time. I go in, get my food and drive away and the drive thru line has only moved like one car. Plus, if I am going to eat shitty food, the least I can do is have a little walk to the counter to get it!

The drive up Dunkin' Donuts near my job pisses me off....it ties up traffic on the main road to get here in the morning because the line is so long. I am not a coffee drinker, so I have no sympathy for these people and their need for a morning fix. Just get out of my way!

I am still waiting for a drive thru pizzaria!


Molly said...

Living in the south has given me a new appreciation for drive thru windows...it allows me to live in denial as if I ever go into a fast food restaurant here it is so disgusting it makes me lost my appetite. the clean confines of my car are bliss for when I need that fast food fix (which is NOT often)

Anonymous said...

I think Joe Pesci said it best in Lethal Weapon---"They Fuck You at the Drive Through!" I would much rather go in and make sure that I have everything that I ordered, but I don't visit fast food places very often. I have bad thoughts in my head about what it is they are doing in there with my food. I don't like the idea of someone handling my food who is pissed off, or has dirty hands after using the bathroom! You're not going to get much out of someone for $7.00 per hour.

Bridget Unnel said...

Did you know that there are drive-thru windows in New Orleans where you can get a Hurricane? Think about it. Drive-up window. Alcoholic drink. Hmmm...

supplymadam said...

The only time I go to a Drive-Thru is when I absolutley don't feel like getting out of the car. SInce the only fast food I eat is Taco Bell and believe me not too often I figure why go in if I don't have to. I like the drive up drink service mentioned in Bridget's comment. I guess the DWI laws don't apply in New Orleans.