Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Sorry To Disturb You......

It annoys me when I go to a store and the clerk is yapping away on the phone or is distracted by some other form of chatter. They seem annoyed that you actually want their help or that you actually want to pay for your item and leave. They seem pissed that you "disrupted" their phone call. Today I stopped at 7-11 to get AAA batteries for my little sports radio/walkman that I run with. I get to the counter and the clerk was yapping away on the phone. I ask "do you have batteries?" She says "yeah" and continues on with her conversation. My friend who I was with says "Could you tell us where?" She had a pissy look on her face as if we were disturbing the most important conversation of her life and said, "Back here behind the counter!" I said could I get a pack of AAA please? She then asked "FOUR PACK OR TWO PACK" in an annoyed voice. I was like, four pack please. She rings it up and proceeds to ask "Do you need matches with that?" She was so distracted on the phone she forgot what I bought. We were like why would we need matches? She just looked at us and went back to her call...I heard her say "sorry mom" and go right back to yapping. SORRY MOM????? F mom, I am the customer. So sorry I inconvenienced you and your mom by having the NERVE to spend money in your store.......service at it's finest!


Molly said...

CMac, how could you be so rude as to interupt her conversation to shop at the store where she is employed to wait on customers, have you no couth? *laugh*

supplymadam said...

I hate when that happens! almost like your customer service calls blog.

Sylvana said...

How ironic that you were inconvenienced at a convenience store.