A Gorgeous Late Summer Sunset Here In Long Beach, NY

How has everyone's summer been? I know we've all written about our highs and lows of the summer, but in a nutshell, how would you describe the summer of '05? Is it one for the books or one to forget?
For me, it's been a pretty good one. I will admit that the first half of the summer was better than the second half, but as a whole, it wasn't a bad summer at all. I've gotten to know quite a few new people, kept in touch with old friends, had a great birthday party, had a great Memorial and 4th of July weekend, ran a few races, and just enjoyed this beautiful town known as Long Beach as much as I have ever enjoyed it. I hate to see the summer end, but there will be plenty more summers and we appreciate the great summers even more by suffering through the cold winters.
We have two weekends left before summer unofficially ends. I hope you all get out there the next two weeks and just go nuts. I plan on soaking up the rest of summer and stopping to take it all in and savor it. Thanks to all of you for contributing to a great summer and a great 2005 with all of your kind words, comments, e-mails, and thoughts. I look forward to an autumn and winter full of the same.
Now get out there and enjoy!!!! :) Have an amazing weekend everyone!
I'm looking forward to this weekend. The seafood festival on Saturday and Alice Cooper and Cheap Trick on Sunday. I hear we are supposed to have an unusually warm winter this year,which is fine by me!
I enjoy the fall more than the summer, but I'm always sad to see the summer end. I had a really good summer. Made some new friends, kept in touch with the old ones, fixed up my house, partied whenever I got the chance. Went to 7 million BBQ's, and I had a designated driver where ever I went. Overall I would rate this summer as a 7.5 out of 10.
have a great weekend.
Summer always goes by way too fast. But I love autumn, so I am not complaining.
This year has absolutely flown by. I can't believe summer is over. I had a quiet one this year, not much to report. I'm glad it's over because I love autumn. It's my favorite time of year here in CT.
I LOVE summer and being from Minnesota I mean that, whole heartidly...but there is just something about autumn. My favorite time in Autmn is Sunday, when the leaves are turning and there is that certain smell of "fall" in the air...you know, a scent of crisp leaves, chilly air, and fire. Sitting at home with a bunch of friends, making chili and watching football...that has to be my favorite time...ever.
i agree with storm, kate, and rach... i blinked and missed it! i worked most of the time in the a/c of a Manhattan skyscraper, so and didn't really get to enjoy it. did spend 2 days at the jersey shore, but never got a tan.
but i like fall, so it's all good.
Great pic of the beach!
This summer has passed in a blink of an eye...I would say it has been a pretty okay one, but man I can't believe it is gone. Before we know it it will be Christmas shopping time, eee gads!
I was thinking that same thing last night when I pulled on my sweatshirt!
I'm surprised hpw quickly it went. All in all, a lonely one as hubby was away for most of it. Enjoy your next-to-last hurrah!
My summer was interesting...
Started with a break up...but I had an absolutely blast the rest of the time.
I got into this blogging thing which cracks me up on a daily basis which is what I really needed.
Did not get to the beach... :( Still pouting over that...
This has to be one of the most interesting summers I have ever had, that I can remember. It has been full of so many ups and downs it feels like a year and yet just a few minutes at the same time.
Fall is my favorite season though.
You are right about the summer flying by! I will ALWAYS remember this summer as the summer I finished my second record! I spent MANY hours indoors in the studio, but it was well worth it!
Now I'm going to Egypt in a couple of weeks. We've been planning this trip since March and I really can't believe it's almost here! YIKES!
Love that picture of Long Branch. I have a couple of good friends that live out that way. Hope YOUR weekend is great!
2005 went really fast, but here in Florida, we count the days till summer is over! Sorry but seasons don't change here, and our winter is prob your summer. HOT AS HADES!
The summer has gone by WAY too fast indeed. Overall, it was a pretty good one. I got to go on several getaways, lots of fun and R&R. I got into blogging as well. I look forward to taking in these last 2 weekends. :)
I hope you have a great one too!
Hey, whatever happened to those interviews you were doing on Fridays? I liked those. :(
I think like everyone else it seemed to go by faster. Mine was mostly uneventful, but nice nevertheless. I LOVE fall, and I am looking forward to the chilly weekends, football, an the holidays! :)
I agree...summer went too fast. I have read your blog a many times, just never commented. Nice blog. Have a good weekend!
iwil be so happy when fall arrives! ihate the big city heat!!! lol
Well, as usual, my summer was great since I was off for eight weeks.
This weekend will start off with reading blogs; I took two days off. Then, it's off to softball with the kids.
Hope you have a good one!
My summer has been ok until today, but we're going up to Windham for a few days next week for some R&R. Then comes September when I'm going to find out if I still have a job, and whether it's a job I actually WANT. Major reorg going on at work.
I may be looking for a job for the first time in 13 years. Weird.
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What a GREAT post, Charlie. And what a lovely photo! It is unbelievable how quickly this summer has flown by! It was great...but FAR too short!!
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