A Menu Full of Laughs

Look at this thing. Did they outsource their menu writing to the local elementary school? Let's see how many spelling, punctuation, and grammar miscues you can find....
The person who wrote up these menus should be banned from doing this task ever again. Didn't the manager or anyone check this over? Perhaps the manager was the culprit. Ok, let's see if you can locate all the errors..........
Gimme some lovin' tonight, click on the top blog icon and vote for this wacky site!!! :)
Just at first look:
Stuff shells = stuffed shells
Lasanga = Lasagna
Angel's Hair = Angel Hair
And something about "w/ choice of sauces" is bothering me...
LOL. Hey, no making fun. They were probably Italian immigrants straight off the boat. My dad always did the same thing when we had our diner. I took over when I turned 12 and started writing the menus. Atleast they got most of it right. LOL.
I'd have a field day with my trusty red pen!
Meatsauce and clamsauce, as single words. The Italian restaurant where my department had its monthly-or-so luncheon today had just as many errors on their chalkboard full of daily specials--and this was an expense account type of place. I was marveling that artichoke was correctly spelled, but linguini was not.
Looks like a fine establishment you picked for dinner. Maybe they offer some nice mazzarulla sticks and maybe a little garloc bread for appetizers
If the food's good (for Italian only, which ROCKS), I'd be willing to look the other way JUST THAT ONCE, but that kind of stuff drives me frickin insane. Especially when people misuse apostrophes, like when they say "tacos" they write it as "taco's" - makes me want to slap em up side der head!!!!
My fave is the Chinese signs. They are really cute.
I'm with Fred...Red pens are extremely important.
Here's my question...was this hand-written just for the day or did someone actually have many of these copied?
There are a lot of people that can't spell--fine--that's what's wonderful about us living in this age of tech--SPELL CHECK.
I hope the food was better than the gramma'!
That's hilarious! lol
Reminds me of the Italian place in Hoboken that, for at least the 2 years I went there, always sold 'Broccoli Rape' ... I used to get a big kick out of asking them every time what 'Broccoli Rape' was... and they never got it... they would patiently explain it to me everytime...
'Itza kind of mating with broccoli and asparagus. Very good.'
Kind of Mating?!
Jeez, I kinda liked it... :-)
My favorite Italian menu goof was:
"Rosa Bif"
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