Scaaaaaaary Stuff!!!!!!!!!!

The witch from the Bugs Bunny cartoon used to send me running for the blankets so I could hide. There was something about her laugh and her voice that still has me shaking. Here is a short list of other scary characters that have always made me cringe over the years:
That little lady from "Poltergeist"
The girl from "The Exorcist"
The kid from "The Shining" that was possessed and kept saying "Redrum, Redrum"
That evil creature from the "Salem's Lot" movie.

Salem's Lot scared me for years............

What characters scared you the most?
Those hideous teeth would scare the crap out of anyone! LOL.
I'm going to have to go with you on the "Exorcist" girl. Little freak.
I remember growing up and seeing parts of a movie where this guy would break into people's houses and crazy glue ugly masks to their faces while they slept. I was tortured by it! Everytime I heard a creak, I was convinced it was my turn for an ugly mask!
For me it was a character on a record (I wasn't allowed to watch much television) I was the youngest child and all of my siblings were in school. When I was 3-4 I would be home alone with my Mom and she would always turn on a record to keep me company while she took a shower and got ready for her day. I loved this one record about Nathaniel the Grublett but it had two sides and sometimes she would mistakenly put on the second side where Nathaniel went into Dire Woods and scary bad people lived in there. I would huddle outside the bathroom door praying that my Mom would come out before it got to the Dire Woods part...it never ceased to terrify me.
Carol Ann... Carol Ann... Come to the light, Carol Ann...
Yeah, Tangina scared me a bit, too.
But the ROUS (Rodents of Unusual Size) from The Princess Bride freaked me out as a kid. That and the popping fires. I used to fast-forward through all that stuff.
Aunt Jemimah used to scare me. I used to dream that she would throw me up in the air with her 2 little girls and play with me like I was a ball. Wierd Huh?
Hahahaha! That's funny stuff. I remember being scared of the Incredible Hulk in all his buff greenness (that's not a word i'm sure) with has bad temper. Even though he was technically on the "good guy" side, his temper scared me! lol
I was also scared of Vampires big time.
The chic from the ring, scares the shit out of me
The Headless Horseman Freaked me out and any character in a Tim Burton Film...pretty freaky! But I love his films!
I watched a movie called "When A Stranger Calls." One of those babysitter chasing movies...
I'm still paranoid someone has painted themself into my wall and is throwing their voice...
I love the witch from bugs bunny. And twilight zone moment, I also mentioned Wizard of Oz today!
That freakin' bad gremlin...forgot his name and walked out of the movie.
As a kid, the Vincent Price movie "House on Haunted Hill" scared the shit out of me.
As an adult, "The Omen" did it. I had nightmares for two weeks.
I can't get through "The Shining". The book scared me to death...the movie is just TOO creepy...
Totally with Audra about GW and "It"... the shower scene haunts me still.
I was not allowed to watch Poltergeist, but I snuck out of my room and hid behind the arm rest of a chair and watched it.
To this day I am terribly afraid of the snow on TV and things grabbing me from under my bed, like that red and white clown doll they had.
I never got caught by my parents, however the nightmares and phobias caused by this movie, are more punishment then I believe I deserve.
The witch in Snow White. She scared the begeebeez out of me.
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