I really looked in depth at these lists and I thought I'd share some of it with all of you.
1) Paper towels/Handi Wipes. You mean to tell me the school no longer provides paper towels? I remember the brown paper towels, they were as rough as sandpaper, but at least they supplied it.
2) Tennis balls. That's right, tennis balls. I was wondering what exactly kids were going to do with these tennis balls and I am sorry I asked. They are going to cut holes in them and put them on the bottoms of their chairs so the chairs don't make noise or scratch the floors when the kids pull them out or push them in. Can you believe this nonsense?
3) Post-its. What does a 2nd grader need to be reminded about? Does he/she need to leave a post-it hanging on their desk to remind them that recess is at noon? Perhaps the post-it is to remind the child that grilled cheese is on the lunch menu.

Bring Your Own Supplies.... Fuckos!

4) Book "Socks". This is just a fancy name for a book cover. We used to use brown paper grocery bags and decorate them ourselves with Van Halen logos, Yankee logos, Ozzy painted across the front, and all kinds of custom drawn stuff. It was an art form and a status symbol to have a finely created book cover.
5) A compass/protractor. Let's face it, in grade school you use the compass once a year and for the rest of the year you poke the shit out of your classmates. It's a waste of money. Kids don't even know what a protractor is.
6) Scissors. COME ON! The school ALWAYS supplied scissors. The lefty kids always had that funky green handled scissor and the rest of us had the regular ones.
Some of this shit is just wacky. What wacky request is on your child or a child you know's school supply list this year?
Be sure to check out the "CD ESSENTIALS" post below.......
HA! I was going through some of my old boxes of stuff at my parents house and found like 12 compass/protractors...I had to laugh. Everywhere I turned there was a fucking protractor. Apparantly I had to get a new one every year...or a new one every month...whatever.
That's the worst!!!
I remember the list used to be a mile long when I was in elementary school. But, I have to say that I was a bit of a dork. I loved having new school supplies...
I am not getting the book socks thing though--that's just weird.
Oh and in regards to the Mini Poll...
If you start posting celebrity bashing...I'm going to have to find someone else to harass about their language... ;)
I'm such a dork, but I love school supplies! Grade school was my favorite, picking out the new supply box for your desk, a new box of crayons(with the sharpener, which of course never worked), those fat pencils and Big Chief tablets...
But yeah, I don't get the tennis ball thing, either.
The high school kids have to get special calulators that cost about $100.00. That I can understand but the paper towel thing and even tissues. That tennis ball thing is ridiculous. The taxe dollars are definately mishandled. I tried to figure what my block alone pays. I figured about 200,000.00 per year. Now if you multiply that by the total # of blocks in my town alone I lost track after 10 million. It's absolutely out of control.
Okay, #2 is the craziest thing I've ever heard. What the heck is going on? I remember when all I'd bring to school on my first day was a pencil and a sheet of paper. This is nuts. LOL.
tennis balls? really? I don't beleive that. what do they use them for? seriously.
oh your bringing back memories!
First time here, love the site, am going to link, if you don't mind...okay so by the time you read this I'll have done it already!
Anyhow, you are so correct with all the BS that we as parents need to supply. I have a child going into 2nd grade and one starting Kgarden. The list of things to bring for 2nd grade was sent home with the report card which was nice, but we have yet to know about kindergarden. I agree with your "memory lane" list (lol) What is wrong with the teachers showing the children how to make their own brown paper book covers? Is it due to people using plastic instead of paper? Come on people! And golf balls? LMAO..that was the first I heard about that.
Anyhow, I'm rambling....and I've got work to do!
Have a great day!
My parents were broke and I never had anything on my list..I was always the kid asking to borrow someone's pencil. Still am. :) But yeah, what the hell...paper towels? I think the teachers are taking them home for themselves. "yes kids, please bring shampoo and conditoner..."
Peanutt and Videox, thanks for coming by, hope to see you both again!!!! :)
It is crazy! Besides the famous tennis balls we also had to get Ziploc bags, light bulbs, band aids, paper plates, and liquid soap! We also had to get 48 pencils! What is my kid going to do with 48 pencils? Well it turns out that they give them to all the other students. This would be fine, but it is the parents that have money that don't buy the supplies for their kids!
Our schools want them to bring a crate. I asked what the hell do they did crates for to find out they are for holding there winter clothes like Hats, Mittens, Scarfs, Jackets, and boots. When I went to school they had hooks on the wall where we hung everything. And the boots went on the floor.
I woyld like to know also what happens to our tax payers money.
I spent $76 on my daughter's school supplies, not counting the paper towels and tissues that came from my Costco-supplied closet. Granted, I bought a little extra paper, and extra folders...but believe me, it's ugly now. Schools do not pay for what they used to!
When we lived in FL it was so bad that we had to supply copy paper for the office, TP, paper towels, tissues, etc. in addition to the mile long list of pencils, crayons, etc. And they'd ask for restocks after Christmas break. It's nuts!
Ah, yes. I remember the school supply shopping very well. We used to make our own book covers too out of brown paper bags. hehehe
My kids needed the basics like pencils, pens, note books, folders. The weird stuff was kleenex (2 boxes); paper plates; a pencil sharpener (really!) and finally, highlighters. Now, for my highschooler I was okay with a highlighter but the other two are 8 and 5. What the hell do they need a highlighter for?
I'm a teacher. My list is very odd compared to those that you mentioned:
Here's my list:
1. Notebook
2. Pen/Pencil
Sorry I'm so weird...
I spent 47.29 on the 1st grader and 64.78 on the other. Yes I kept the receipts! LOL! I am going to scan and post the lists. It's f-ing crazy!
Backpacks for 1st graders are also about $20! LOL. Jeez. I also just had to buy school shirts for $10 a piece, day planners (school required) for $5 a piece, $5 for PTA, $20 for a coupon book(otherwise your child doesn't get to be in the ice cream party), $18 for 2 yearbooks and I'm sure there's more to come!
I just keep handing the sugar daddy the request for $ so it's not out of my money. LOL!
My oldest is only 10! Imagine when my youngest goes to school and they hit high school.
Just a few things I thought I'd add.
PS They really do use the tennis balls for the bottom of the chairs so they don't make noise. Give me a f-ing break.
Pss...I just got an email and I'm officially the ROOM MOM! LOL!
Oh man... I blogged my daughter's school supply list. $120 for a fifth grader. Arrgh~!
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