Pure Bullshit

Every American supports the troops. You know why? We all pay taxes. My tax dollars, just like every American's, goes to pay for the military. Yet those in charge dishonor our troops by not supplying them with the armor and supplies they need and cutting the benefits they deserve when they return, while their friends get rich on the profits of war. (Halliburton and many others)
I honor the troops by working hard, playing by the rules, and gladly paying my share of taxes that go to pay for our military. I do not dishonor them by incorporating myself, setting up a PO Box in Bermuda, and asking my lawyers and accountants to figure out ways I can pay less tax.
I honor the troops by paying my fair share, and supporting politicians who demand that others pay their fair share as well. Cutting taxes in a time of war dishonors our troops. It starves our government of the resources it needs while millionaires reap the profits.
I honor the troops by understanding freedom isn't free, and neither is our country's dependence on oil. Those who rally for war, riding around in their SUV with a yellow magnet above the gas cap, are the first to claim "freedom isn't free." But how do they honor the service of the troops? By placing a feel-good yellow magnet on a vehicle of vanity that gets 13MPG while it feeds our habit for foreign oil and drives our foreign policy towards war and away from energy independence.
I honor our troops by trying to change our leaders to ones that will not dishonor our veterans or our country. I do not dishonor them by supporting an administration that supports torture, ignore the Geneva Conventions, weaken our military, or promote our "moral" leadership through a hypocritical bullying world posture.
I say honor our troops by flying the flag they die for. Do this because our troops deserve respect, not because the flag is a political symbol you can wrap your politics in.
I honor our troops by not supporting this war based on lies. The war is the Bush administration's. Bush and his administration own it. Bush and the rest of those so willing to go to war will reap the consequences of their war in this life or the next. The troops are doing their duty to the Commander in Chief and trying to survive. Bush and his administration dishonor them by putting them in a position where getting themselves killed is more likely than any real lasting victory.
Support our troops? I honor them. I wish many others would also by standing up for what's right.
And just to set the record straight, they are not in Iraq, defending or fighting for "our freedom" or "our way of life". Iraq never attacked the United States, this is a war we chose strictly for economic reasons. Saudi Arabia treats its people and its women just as poorly, but the Bush family are pals with them, we have a double standard. It's a shame these young people are getting killed for a ridiculous cause.
That sound you just heard was me cheering. A great post, Charlie! I'm behind that one hundred percent.
That's why I love this bumper sticker:
I can't add anything to this post. You said it all. Well done, C-Mac.
Charlie, I feel you have some very good points, but I feel if we say we SUPPORT OR HONOR our troops it still comes from the heart, regards of which word you use, meaning that sincerely. Perhaps I may be wrong...
My heart breaks for the those young people fighting over there for us.
Actually there is a guy named John on my blogroll that is in Iraq now and is blogging...and he appreciates every note anyone sends. Today he rec'd an ugly email from college student giving him a hard time for what he is doing. It broke my heart! Support or Honor...I feel is appropiate myself.
and i had it with those lance armstrong bracket thing!
I support our troops, I almost became one. I still regret not going to the naval academy some days. Anyway, 9/11 changed this nation forever. Not just the foreign policy of the current, and future administrations, but the mindest of the general public as well. If there is a perceived threat (regardless of whether or not it turns out to be real) the threat should be dealt with. Iraq was a perceived threat, doesn't really matter if it turned out not to be, that's after the fact. It's a terrible way to think, and I'll be the first one to say it, but it's the reality of the world we live in right now.
Syria, North Korea and Iran are all perceived threats as well. It's only a matter of time before military action is taken against them.
Bravo Charlie!!!! I unequivically agree with you. Maybe you should run for president. :)
Very well said, Charlie. This was very thought provoking.
"Honor the troops" Well said.
Well done, Charlie. Well done.
Well said........the military personnel are our fearless heros!
Kerry should have had you on his campaign.
Screw Kerry!
Yay! Charlie! Great blog!
This was a brilliant entry.
I am the wife of an Active Duty Major in the USMC. He is getting ready to go over for his 3rd time! This war just sucks!
You will NOT find one of those ribbons stuck on my car! Never have...Never will. I fly the flag, but find those ribbons sooo fucking annoying!
People say if you hate it so much tell your husband to get out. Well, that's impossible. When you take a new assignment..you sign on for that amount of time. We're here for 3+ years. I do support our troops. I am a wife of a hard working one!
Let me say this, though. Check out all the destroyed marriages, children who don't know their parents, and some people so financially strapped that they don't know what to do. Some Marines have put in their 20 and were told they couldn't get out because of the STOP /Loss! Some of those very same men died in this war. UGH! I could go on. I won't. Let's just say I see it from all angles.
One more thing...the smartass me irritated with the hubby who was in said Iraq..told him to be nice or I was going to put my Marine Wife for Kerry sign in the front yard! LOL. Yes...I can push his buttons. :)
Sorry for the rant.
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