On The Side Please...........

I can understand telling the server how you want your steak cooked, telling them to hold the mayo or onions on a sandwich, I can even deal with dressing "on the side" so one can control their dressing distribution throughout the life of the salad. I can't stand the fuckers that re-write the menu. They ask for shit that isn't on the menu or they completely change the dish like they are the fuckin' menu writers. Here's an example, say the menu reads like this:
Rigatoni Alla C-Mac
Rigatoni with sauteed mushrooms, green peas, seasoned ricotta and battered eggplant in a plum tomato sauce.
The annoying/fussy fucker you go to dinner will do the following:
"Ok, I'd like the RIGATONI alla C-Mac, but can I have penne instead of Rigatoni, hold the mushrooms, extra peas, ricotta on the side, and grilled eggplant instead of fried. OH, and can I have a vodka sauce with that instead of the plum tomato sauce?" ..."Oh and can I get that sauce on the side?"
Come on, we all know someone who orders like this! I say if you are going to be that fuckin' specific about the menu, stay the fuck home and cook it yourself, to your specifications. Don't annoy the shit out of the server, the cook, and most of all, ME!
Don't forget...it's Monday, voting for Top Blog starts again today! :) hint hint. :)
yea my friend orders like that and I interupt her lol; just order what is on the damn menu!! if yuo change it that much you must not want that order!!! WTF!
Ahem, I'm allergic to everything under the sun...Ok, well not EVERYTHING, but I am allergic to wheat, flower and yeast. So, I'm kinda that person. I always have to ask if things are thickened with flower and the waiter always has to go and check, and then when it is I have to ask about something else, and then they have to go check on that...it's a viscious circle, but I can't help it cause that's just the way IT IS SO PISS OFF!
hey C-mac,
I can totally relate to this post. I have to deal with those type of people everday. If they want a only iceburg salad with additional toppings, hold the potato sticks blah blah blah. I can't take it anymore it drives me crazy because it backs me up and what for a $5 tip. I vote thumbs down on special orders.
Jenni, a medical reason is one thing, being a pain in the ass is another story!! :)
Sounds like you were sitting near someone in a restaurant doing this...
Hope you had a good weekend, though, Doll!
I see Sunflower beat me here! (smiling)
Charlie you are so right, why not stay at home if U R that picky? If you have ever been in the food service business, you know how annoying these people can be and then they tip less than 10% if that much when they should 25%+ for all the running and X-trouble!
Had friends forever complain about this, & what is amazing is the Server remembers who these people are if they return. Everyone scatters!
My friends like light dressing on her salad - as in "barely there" dressing.
Inevitably, it will arrive with still too much. The waiter will offer to bring another one with dressing on the side, but that's not good enough. "No, I still want it tossed". She makes such a big deal about it -- it is mortifying.
There only a couple of things I'm picky about: Salad dressing? Always on the side. Marinara? Always an extra side (for calzones & pizza - I lurrrrve marinara). Mushrooms? Don't want 'em. Ew.
Other than that, I can definitely order off the menu.
Oh, and you should be sooooo jealous of the fun that Heather & I had on Friday night. We were cuttin up and giving everyone hell left and right!
You need to come down & hang with your Georgia Peaches!
Agh!!! I hate when people are annoying like that. Or when they send back their food ten million times. It drives me nuts. Thankfully, most of my friends are in the restaurant business so they don't do that crap. We appreciate how hard it is to be a waiter.
That is very annoying when people order like that, they should have just stayed at home and cooked it themselves is what I think!
Voting for Top Blog right now... :)
When I go to an italian restaurant I always get rigatoni with red sauce, and meatballs.
What is the deal with people trying to sell stuff in other people's comment sections all of a sudden?
I had a 13-year-old pimping his site on mine the other day. I don't get it!
A blog is a blog--not a free way to pimp your stuff.
*crawls down from soapbox with head hung*
Voting now.
Hope you're feeling better, Shug.
I know how you feel. I think there's usually enough of a selection that you don't need to make up your own dish or completely change one that is there. I'm with you,stay home and cook, this way you can get exactly what you want without driving everyone nuts. I waitressed for 6 years and this guy ordered something that wasn't on the menu and I said that we didn't have that and he said "You do now". He used to come in every week and the cook made him something special once and he liked it so he ordered it again. So being the wise ass I used to be,I had gone to the ladies room and he sees me come and he calls me to his table and says "Young lady did you wash your hand"? So I said to him "I didn't touch anything" All in fun though.
Yeah, that's just annoying as hell. I know a few people who do that and I can't stand going out to dinner with them.
I say if you want it "your way" go to Burger King. Hold the pickle,hold the lettuce special orders don't upset us. All we ask is that you let us serve it your way!
People like that shouldn't go out to eat. Period.
Stay home and make it yourself.
I hate when that happens!!! & yes I voted!!!
People like that drive me batshit. Actually, a friend of mine worked in a restaurant where the chef refused to honor any such requests. His position was, "if you don't like the dish as prepared, order something else." End of story.
I, like Jenni, am allergic to everything under the sun. I try *really* hard to find things on the menu, though, that I don't have to change too much...And always tell the server "Please don't put any of ______ anywhere on the plate, as I'm highly allergic."
One such thing is tomatoes... Raw tomatoes I'm allergic enough that even if they were at one point ON the plate/food/whatever, and then were removed, the juice/seeds/pulp that was left behind is enough to make my mouth swell up. I went to a restaurant a few weeks ago and we ordered our cheesy breadly goodness without the raw tomatoes on top. The waitress rounded the corner with the bread, tomatoes in full effect, saw us, looked down & immediately turned around to go back to the kitchen. She walked back there - told the cooks "This was supposed to be without tomatoes...redo it" and walked off (it was an open kitchen). A few minutes later she came back to the table with the bread -- still covered in tomato juice & seeds. My date, who had been on the phone during this whole 'process' looked at me funny when I refused to touch the bread. The waitress came over & asked if everything was alright & we explained the situation. She immediately had the bread re-made for us, without tomatoes - but by then our food had come, so I never even ate the bread anyway.
Anyway, that was a long rant...Like I said, I try not to order something that is going to have to be completely remade to suit my allergies, unless I'm dragged to a restaurant where I cannot find something that can easily be "undone". Sometimes that means just eating plain rice or whatever, but...Such is the life my body chose for me :S
BTW - I just popped by your blog via the top blogs site...I think? Maybe was via a comment on another blog or something...Who knows. It's 4:40 am & I haven't slept all night.
As a picky eater I can relate as I like to have things my way (perhaps I should stick to Burger King then?)
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