Occasionally I am lured to things that look great in the store....something that looks like it will work wonders in the house, something I just HAVE to buy. Then you take it home and it turns out to be a bust, a complete piece of shit. Has this ever happened to you? You use it a few times, then it ends up collecting dust for years before you toss it out, give it to a friend or family member, or sell it at a garage sale. Here are some things I have purchased in recent years that turned out to be a complete bust:
A handheld clothes steamer. Taking my work shirts to the cleaners was costing a small fortune. I am very "domestic" and can do just about every household chore. The one thing I despise is ironing. In order to cut dry cleaning costs, while avoiding the labor of ironing, I purchased a handheld clothes steamer. This item turned out to be a piece of shit.

A "Steaming" Pile of Shit

The ab roller. I actually bought one of these about four years ago.

Makes a Great Clothes Hanger!

It did nothing for my abs, but made a hell of a clothes hanger. It was ideal for tossing a jacket or sweatshirt on when I came home. I sold it for $5 at a garage sale I had about a year ago.
These are just a couple of things that I have purchased over the years that have completely sucked ass. What item stands out in your mind that you bought in recent times that turned out to be a piece of crap?
One the good side: I have a steamer, and it kicks butt. I got mine for $10 at a mall years ago... excellent on drapes (but I don't have drapes anymore, so I don't know where it is).
On the medium side: The Egg Wave. I LOOOOVE the Egg Wave... but, I don't use a microwave... haven't for years now... so, the Egg Wave is collecting dust.
The bad side: Resin! Yes, I bought resin. That crap is expensive. Was going to make molds and then use the resin in the molds... but then, I found out the RTV rubber for the molds is even more expensive. So, I have about $200 in resin... and I have no idea what I will use it on anymore.
lol yea we have this exercise machine in the base,ent and use it as a laundry rack! lol
Bought the Ab Roller in college. I used it for about a month. Gave up, as I had the skiing accident which screwed up my back. It was sent to live in the back of my closet until I donated it to the Salvation Army with some clothes & shoes. There is some less-fortunate soul out there that is trying to roll their way to a 6-pack.
I'm not much into gadgets and things of that nature. I am more into shampoos and hair products. I keep 3 different kinds of shampoo on the tub: Logics-moisturizing shampoo,Sebastian Cello shampoo and Biolage color care shampoo.
Also 2 conditioners-Matrix Sleek Look deep moisture masque and Sebastian Sheen. Then there's other things I put in it before I blow dry it. My husband said I can open a beauty supply store.
I've always had issues with my hair. Because it has a mind of it's own,it needs taming. I remember when I was younger my mother used to tell me "Leave your hair natural,it's not plastic"
Those steamers do always look tempting.
I was always more partial to the whell ab gadget, you know the one with handles and a wheel (that looks like you could have made yourself in the basement with spare crap for $5) but it actually works pretty well
inspector Gadget was one of my favorite cartoons growing up.
I thought my "I love C-Mac" nighty collection might be one of those... but no, that has turned out to be a great investment!
Come on Charlie...you know you hear the Ab Swing calling your name! LOL.
I hate ironing too. I never iron anything. That's why I buy Downy Wrinkle Release cause it does the job for me. LOL.
I bought the ABDoer once and it took me so long to put the damn thing together that I never even used it once out of spite. LOL. I know, it makes no sense.
My mom is a big sewer and she swears on Rowenta.
Rowenta like the "Meile" right Brian?
The amazing scratch remover/scratch cover paste stuff for your car. Bah! It's crap.
LOL, I have one of those ab rollers, at least I used to...and it was a nice dust collector...oh, yeah, you should see my rock hard abs too!!! LMAO!
The one crappy product I bought was the Perfect Pancake and perfect my ass! It says you can use for eggs too, well, don't try this at home as your egg will slip right out of the sides since the pan doesn't close tightly around the perimeter! Yeah, you don't notice those commericials anymore, do you?
I would have fun shopping with you, because you sound like we shop alike!
Have a great day!
Hmmm, I have been thinking about this all day and I'm drawing a blank.
I bought Milton a baby gate and he peed on it and then knocked it over...that was a bad purchase that now sits in the back of the closet...
My mom bought this thing to make deviled eggs look pretty and it was a complete waste--I don't care though because I don't eat deviled eggs--yech.
Sorry, that was pretty random of me...
I always wanted to try that Flowbee thing, but never got around to it.
Funny post! I remember the ab roller being a piece of crap. I once bought a small Stair-master imitation and it was a huge piece of crap.
I'm afraid of the Ab Roller-- I have long hair, and once after I had done quite a few reps, my hair got caught under the shoulder rest. But when I tried to sit up, it just pulled my hair without lifting the back up... I was trapped... haha
Freakin' ab roller. I bought one of those, too. Piece of late-nate-TV crappola!!
Yup, we also bought one of those ab roller thingamajiggys. What a complete waste of money; we used it for a week then relegated it to the garage.
I love the Ab Roller!! If you do it with the tape that comes with it, it's KILLER. OK, I suppose if you do ANY ab work for eleven minutes straight you're bound to get some results.
On the other hand, I bought one of those ab things that rolls on the floor and I've never been able to figure out how to do it.
Oh, and sea monkeys aren't good either.
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