Not a bad idea............

I think it's absurd. When you want to leave, you should be free to leave without any repurcussions. Instead, they blackmail you with the "bad reference" bullshit unless you give two weeks notice. So, if you are an excellent employee and just get fed up or tired of dealing with a situation at a job, you should suffer an additional two weeks just so you might get a nice reference? I think not. Just as they would escort any of us out to our cars on any given day and tell us "See Ya", is the way we should feel about leaving on our terms.
Unless you're in sales and they want you to go right away for fear of sabatoge...not only that but they'll pay you as if you gave your 2 weeks.
That's what happened in my last job because I went to a competitor. I took the whole month of August off and pretty much got paid for the entire month without working, with vacation and my "two weeks" pay. It was great.
When i would ask an emplyee to leave I'd give them 2 wks. Cause i alwasy felt bad that i had to let them go. it wasn't personal, just business.
Boss didn't like to pay severance or anything. So I could avoid that by giving the 2 wk thing.
They usually would leave well before that though.
ok thats too creepy what do u know and who have u been talking to.
Silly earthling rules! ;)
Unless you work for the government. We had a boss come in a month ago on a Thursday and tell us his last day was the next day (a Friday). No fallout from him leaving. Actually, if he wanted to, which many do, they come back within a month and work for a contractor.
My last job everyday someone was being let go when a bigger company took over. I kind of had a feeling I was next although I was there for 10 years. Because I was in sales they tried to get salespeople to quit so you couldn't take your accounts with you. I wasn't budging. So when the day finally did come it was not pleasant(on my end of course)Anyway I cam to work for the company I'm with now of who I interviewed with before so I knew exactly where I was going and took 95% of my business with me. I left the shitty accounts behind. It was my sort of "last dig".
I love that the old company called me to come back. But I say once bitten by a dog you can't really fully trust them.
Hear hear! I am all about being able to leave whenever you want as well without repercussions. If you were a good worker why should it matter how you want to leave?
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