No problem, fucko!

I've always wondered what the "thank you" on the garbage pails at fast food places, coffee shops, etc. was for. Are they thanking me for my business or are they thanking me for getting up off my ass to dump my tray and garbage? Or is it just a "thank you" for being the kind and caring guy that I am? haha Don't you hate the people that leave their trash on the table that think they are in a 5 star restaurant and the bus boy is going to clean up after them? It amazes me how lazy some people are. I think there should be a big THANK YOU on the exit door of every business. I want to feel appreciated at Wendy's or Taco Bell. I want to feel like part of the Starbucks family after spending $24.50 on a small coffee.
I was at a company function all day, I'll do my best to visit all of you tonight/tomorrow!!! :) Oh, and just an FYI...the suicide post was random and meant as humor.....like most everything I write on here...so no need for anyone to be concerned! :)
wow! Your coffee is cheaper than mine!
Good one...
Missed you around today, Pal...
Left a post in your honor!
still with the fucko......
Yup..."Thank You" is definatley overused...do you have to thank people for throwing away their garbage? I think not. Good point.
Thank you for that post, really. I can't thank you enough. (LOL)
Oh and thank you for commenting on my post today. I re-ran that with you in mind. Seriously. Thanks. (god, I crack myself up)
You got Comment Spammed!! HA! that's great...
Actually, I read the suicide etiquette one and was scratching my head at the few who commented who really didn't seem to "get it." It was totally obvious to me that it was purely humor.
I was at a McDonald's over the weekend, and there was a guy eating his drive-thru meal in the parking lot, and when he was done, he rolled down his window and dropped ALL of his trash right there. There was even a fucking drive up trash can two parking spaces over. I was incredulous. Seriously, you don't even have to get out of your car! How easy do they have to make it?
I hate leaving the shit on the table, but I do have some friends that say, heck leave it there, they'll clean it up. Meaning the people who work there. So I end up throwing it out, but there are some places that actually do clean up after you have eaten even with that big THANK YOU carved on the flap of that garbage. That's why we leave a tip.
It's a good thing I don't drink coffee. Juicing is the way to go and that shit is not that cheap either.
The THANK YOU is for being considerate and not a fucko!
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I was never worried about you for one second. I know a warped sense of humor when I see it. Plus we all know you,nuff said!
As far as the "Thank you" on the garbage can, if you are the type of person that cleans up after themselves a "Thank you" isn't going to make one bit of difference. What they should put on the garbage cans is "Throw you crap in here,you slob"
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