Well, somewhere out there the "worst" doctor has to exist and the sad part is, his/her office will be packed today. I mean, there HAS to be a bottom 10% of every graduating class. I would think knowledge is what separates a "good" doctor from a "bad" doctor.

Everyone's Doctor Is The "Best"

The same holds true for a car mechanic. Someone at the office will always tell you to go to a specific mechanic because "he's the best" and "he's honest". Everyone seems to know "the honest" mechanic, yet nobody ever seems to find them.
Have you also noticed that everyone "knows" someone? Every Italian you talk to has a "connection" to the mob, others seems to have an "in" at the DMV, the IRS, or some other institution. I think half of these people are full of shit if you ask me.
Who do you "know" or who does someone at your office "know"?
I told you I don’t want to visit that proctologist you go to weekly….Back off sista!
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But I really am "the best." ;)
Woah...attach of the blog spammers...bastards.
I truly do have the "best" chiropractor, but that was only after I visited the "worst" chiropractor. Also, my mechanic truly IS the "best." But only after I now know where the "worst" is.
Point being, you have to find the worst to find the best...right?
I know I have the best "full service" massage therapist around ;)
Well, I work at the newspaperpaper and know a helluva a lot of HR people in Atlanta. But it was really particularly helpful when I was in college and working at the college paper and knew all of the bar owners in town. I don't think I paid for a drink (or at least not many) from age 19 on. And fake ID? Hah. No need.
Oh, and I also know the owner of the strip club in Athens. She's a cool chick.
But other than that, my group of influential people I know is pretty small.
I've been told I'm the Best!
does that count for anyhting?
Made me feel good anyway.
I don't have a mechanic because I work at a racing school. This means that there are about 20 mechanics who can fix any problem I have for the cost of parts within about 20 minutes. It's quite nice.
Oh, and I have the best dentist ever. ;)
Hahahaha... I'm like that with my doctor. She is the best. I've gone to so many terrible doctors that I've finally found one I love and refer all my friends to her. Every time someone has a particular ailment and needs a specific doctor they call me cause I always know someone. LOL.
I have to agree that you can only find "the best' after experiencing "the worst." At the moment I wouldn't qualify my mechanic, doctor, dentist, etc. as the best nor the worst...
As to connections...umm I can go see Wilco for free anytime I want and I know some baseball players, but that is about it for me.
When my hair is at it's best I've been told it's a good cut.I know my Jenny is not the best haircutter because there is always someone better. But after 10 years and 6 hair cutters later, I've stuck with her for 5 years now. She totally gets my wierd hairline.
My dentist retired after getting MS. It took him 4 years to sell his practice because he was looking for a great dentist to fill his shoes. He was in medical books for new procedures he invented. Plus dentists in Manhattan used to send their patients to him. I think the guy he picked is great too. He's a "concerned" guy with a fantastic sense of humor. Sometimes he makes himself laugh so hard he has to stop working. He should have been a stand up comic. Always fun to go there.
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