"I gots me a new TV!!!!!"

It makes me sick how fuckin' miserable people can be, taking advantage of a horrible situation. I hope these fuckers get electrocuted when they try to plug in their stolen TV's.
Is it me, or do the politicians down in Lousiana have NO CLUE what they are doing? They waffle and waiver on every decision and seem to be clueless about what's going on. The Governor of Louisiana and the Mayor of New Orleans seem to be very incompetent. I hope these people get lots of help soon.
1-800-HELP-NOW is the Red Cross hotline, they need all of our help. If you have a moment today, call and donate what you can.
I think we should sit on top of the floating houses and sniper them (pick them off) one by one. In a time of such disaster, I can't believe these fucks are stealing!
I can see taking food and water because they can't get out to get them and no one can get in. But they are taking advantage with the electronics. Last night on the news they showed 2 female cops loading up a shopping cart and a guy taking some kind of big toy for his daughter. I think alot of the perishables would have to get chucked anyway. Unfortuantely it's a poor area and people in these types of situations seemm to take advantage of that.
I hope they get the military in there soon like they did in the Tsunami.
I also saw a dog sitting on a roof last night on the news.And another one running scared through the debris. They also found a 5 year old kid wondering around by himself. They showed alot of little kids crying.They are all so scared. It's just so sad.
This is just ridiculous.
A city like NO should have a disaster plan in place for something like this. Sorry, it's the PR person in me to wonder why there wasn't a plan beforehand.
The looting is just insane. I don't understand that at all. You're just bringing bad karma on yourself...
It is SO sad. I said the same thing last night while watching some guy steal a TV on Nightline..."Where is he going to take it?" Not only do these people lack the basics in common sense, but do they also have no morals? I'm sorry, but just because you're "poor" doesn't give you the right to steal a 52 inch color TV...jackass.
And I have no doubt the children will be taken care of, lets hope the animals get taken care of too...it just breaks my heart.
Yes, it really seems that the Gov/Mayors don't know what they're doing, but I can certainly forgive this for the time being. They appear to be shell-shocked! Now, if this continues, they need Cher to go slap them and say, "Snap OUT OF IT!" so they can prioritize and help those who need it!
I agree this is just sick. These Fuckos are just looting because they can, not because they are poor. They have no need for some of the things they are looting. I watched a woman with a shopping cart filled with clothes and household crap...NO FOOD, Or MEDS, Or Blankets etc...from Walmart, smiling and laughing as the news video taped her. She had her hair done, and ear rings on, and she looked just fine as she raced through wal mart STEALING. There are animals, children, elderly, and now a lot of homeless people that need help, and these fuckos don't give a fuck about their own neighbors, it's sick!!!!!! I think the military should go in and shoot them all.
i love watching the picture of the guy carrying out the 42 inch plasma. Where is he going to go with that thing? There's no electric, and his house is under 12 ft of water.
"But, at least I gots my plasma!"
I'm with Danielle, it'll pass the time nicely for those waiting to get back to their normal lives :)
Fuckos!!! ;op
We were talking about this at lunch today. Just when a story about some self-sacrificing hero, who endangers himself to save someone else starts to make you feel proud to be part of the human race, you see images like this splashed all over the news. I can't believe the depths to which some people will sink. It's absolutely disgusting!
Those people who loot are probably the same people who purposely stayed in their homes when they were told to leave. I feel horrible that people who genuinely couldn't get out are stranded but I'm sure there is a good number of people who just didn't leave out of stubborness and now are bitching that no one is coming to rescue them. That pisses me off. Still, my prayers are with all those who are suffering from Katrina's wrath.
::inhales through huge gaps in teeth:: but ah need thissear TV to FEED MY FAMILY!!!!
Hopefully a couple people will read this response before it gets deleted, since I'm a Lib posting on a distinctly Repubba site. This is one image among thousands of the situation that occured in New Orleans. This image is meant to strengthen the idea that poor people are stupid, and that specifically the major population of New Orleans are more greedy than caring. Also, this image helps the rest of you assure yourself than in the same situation you would obviously not do what is in the image above. And I don't suppose any of you would, since you all have a $1200 computer to chat about it on. The idea that all the looters in New Orleans should be shot shows just how diluded people can become.
Please do not blame the Government for the problems that occured in New Orleans. Not even Jr. I suppose. Blame yourselves, and your ancestors for perpetuating a situation that would have been solved 50 years ago, had the honorable Reverend not been assassinated. Had the handsome Mr. Presedent not been assassinated. Had the people of the great USA stood up to its domestic tyrants and said. STOP TAKING SO MUCH, YOUR GOING TO GET PEOPLE KILEED. I think that all the time.
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