Then there are the people that thank God for everything. They have a meal, they say grace and thank God for the food, they hit a home run in baseball, they point at the sky as if God put some power in their bat, they get sick, they look to God to cure them, God, God, God.

Thank You for this shitty meal......

I am all for thanking God, but can't we do it as a blanket statement as we are unwinding at the end of each day? Do we need to individually thank God for everything that happens? Is God really up there listening to billions of prayers per minute pulling the strings like we are puppets? I think not. I think there is a God but I think people are silly to believe that God is playing a role in every menial task and chore we do. It's just absurd. Our free will and our proper choices in life carve our life paths, not a prayer or thank you for everything. Perhaps I should be thankful for the following and say individual prayers for each:
Thanks for me never getting struck by lightning.
Thanks for me never getting caught by a girlfriend's Dad while I was banging her.
Thanks for me not having a small dick.
Thanks for this Mexican food, even though it will give me the runs.
Thanks for my job even though it sucks and I am mistreated.
Thanks for the inconsiderate assholes that live across the street.
Thanks for me never wetting my bed as a child.
Thanks for me never mistaking crazy glue for KY.
Thanks for me never falling through a subway grate.
Thanks for me never being castaway on a deserted island holding a volleyball.
Let's start thanking people/God when it's necessary!
Your Welcome!!!!! ;)
thank u charlie for being so nice to each and everyone of us each and everyday :)
thank you gos for not letting me break my leg today
I'm from the Midwest, so I automatically say "thank you" to everyone who does anything for me - holds a door open, give me their shopping cart, compliments me, anything. I'm sure it gets old after a while.
God, thank you for sending me to Bored at the beach because he is such a adoreable writer and funny too!!!!
Thank God for God, for without Him I would have no one but myself to blame.
I'm a huge believer in sending thank you cards. I really appreciate everything people do for me so I take the two minutes to write a quick note.
I always do.
I'd thank you charlie, but I checked my mail and I still don't have anything from um....hurry up ;)
thank you for the dick comment
Charlie, as you know I am a big Thank you person, try always saying, sending and expressing thank you(s)! I truly mean it from my heart too.
It seems to listed many reasons to be THANKFUL TO GOD. (smiling) Esp about being blessed and not have a tiny penis!! Thanking him all during the day may be helpful where job comes in and neighbors, etc. etc. (LOL) Just a thought!! Thankful for U too, for making me laugh!
Thank you for your site that rocks, your sense of humor, and taking time to give us all a laugh and something to think about.
Thanks, Big Guy, for three wonderful children.
OMG!!!! your nuts!!!! no not them!!! your crazy!!! love this post!!
Very well said. I never understood why people have to give thanks for all the little things all the time. How 'bout giving thanks the world hasn't self-destructed yet. At least that's got some meaning.
thank you for the funny thank yous!!!
Charlie, I hope that you watch the documentary "What the Bleep Do We Know?" sometime. It gives you a different perspective on the God thing. You seem to be somewhat of a deist. (Which isn't bad.) This documentary I think is somewhat in line with your perception of "the big guy". For me it reconciles the concept of God and science. Sorry to get serious on you. You are funny as hell! I love your style and humor!
Oh and by the way... To me showing appreciation for anything and everything doesn't bother me as much as people over apologizing!
What I know of my God is he's all knowing and omnipotent and I love that about him. And so my menial prayers might be menial to you and to the world, but they're not to Him.
Thank you always works for me. Although I am not a religious person it really doesn't bother me if people thank God or Mecca. Thank you cards are something I do appreciate though.
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