Where's The Fuckin' Lock????

This can be quite a difficult situation. Here you are, absolutely dying to pee, you go into the bathroom, flip on the light, shut the door, then go to lock it, only to find there is no lock. All kinds of thoughts run through your head, can I pee fast hoping nobody will walk in, should I try to lean against the door and aim across the room? All kinds of crazy scenarios and ways to pee enter your mind. Hmmmmm, that sink right by the door may do the trick, I'll just hold the door with one hand and pee in the sink. Then the thought of not going crosses your mind, just holding it in until you get home. Women would have it worse in this situation. You have to sit and it takes a bit longer.
Other than a stable roof and foundation, isn't a lock on the bathroom door the next thing you look for when buying a home? Isn't this an absolute staple? If you buy a home with a bathroom dor without a lock, wouldn't you buy one right away?
Have any of you encountered this situation? If so, what did you do?
I pee with the door open...I got nothing to hide.
It's almost as bad as them not having soap to wash afterwards.
Um, is it weird that I don't lock the bathroom door (except in public, obviously)? I always figure, who would walk in if the door is closed?
It doesn't bother me. I actually like to see the startled faces on people when they barge in the door and I'm sitting on the bowl
I always giggle a little when someone is visiting at my house, goes in the bathroom and locks the door. I giggle at this because I'm not going to forget that they are in there and go barging in!
With that said, I may not always lock it behind me when I go in, but I do consider it. If there are little kids or smart dogs wandering about, I lock it...
I don't have any of that problems causeI usually don't lock the door. I haven't made the experience yet that anyone might "interrupt" me! *lol*
And even if...I don't care! Me sitting on the loo...where's the deal?
I guess men have bigger probs with that situation as they might pee standing. They'd better do it sitting and there would be less problems.
The only place I lock the door is on public toilettes. Don't know why! It's just a habit!
My house was built in 1925, my lock has a skeleton key...and a glass door knob. By now, 2005, the skeleton key is long gone
and I'm not going to put some tacky ass new lock on my origional wood bathroom door...not gonna happen.
It's a general rule, if the door is closed, knock before entering!
Hey the door is closed for a reason. If you ain't knockin' then be prepared for what is behind door #1.
Most people will knock if the door is closed, but I do worry if I'm at someone's home and they are having a party or something where there are a lot of people so no one would really KNOW I was in there. I try to hurry, but how much can you really RUSH that sort of thing??
yes i have! I turned the faucet on to let the water run. when someone walked by they would know someone was in there
ok...i think no lock is bad...but i went to a friends house the other day...and there wasn't even a door knob!! just a hole where one was supposed to be!!! that's uncomfortable
At one of my ex-BF friends' house, they don't even have a bathroom door, it's a shower curtain!! I went to pee there just once because I really needed to go and my ex-BF guarded the bathroom's "door".
I hate going to my sister's place because the bathroom door doesn't have a lock.
All bathroom doors should have locks!
Like a lot of other people are saying, what's the BFD?
You so scared of someone seeing your manhood that it freaks you out? Who cares? Just hold your hand in front of your crotch so they won't see the most important goods if that's what you're truly concerned about.
Of course it would be awkward if someone did walk in, but you'll both get over it. Everyone poops and pees. I hate how we pretend we don't and get all freaked out and uptight about something that EVERYONE DOES, EVERY DAY. Come on people, loosen up a little!! ;)
A proven method: Take off your shoe and lodge it in that empty space between the door and floor.
At my In-Law's the bathroom door sometimes won't even stay shut.
due to the popup add on your site, i was unable to read the first 1/2 of that post. i was sad.
I would feel like I had to hurry up and pee because it would be my luck to have someone walk in me while I'm sitting on the can. I like locks. :)
I never thought to look for locks on the bathroom door when I bought my home, but now that you mention it I always look for a lock on the BR door when I'm at someone elses house! ......And for the record, I just checked, my bathrooms do have locks -- come on over and pee - you're safe here! :)
With children in the house, you would never have locks on the bathroom doors. And do you have any idea how easy it is to buy and install your own new bathroom doorknob? And who are you visiting that you are so concerned with others barging in on you bathroom pee time?
Yes, this has happened to me before. They don't have a lock but a latch on the door. You drop the hook into the latch and then the door is an inch open. SO anyone can sneek a fucking peek. Thank goodness the toilet was right by the door. I pushed the door with my left foot and held it for dear life. It was over some dudes house that I was doing music with.
We had Chinese for lunch, which I rarely eat fast food Chinese food and as I was singing on the mic I had to run to the bathroom. When I was done I asked for some incense, there was no air freshner around. Then later my stomach started to make some alien like noise and I ran again and held to door closed for dear life!!! I hate fast food Chinese food. Damn that Chilly Chilly Wang Wong food!!
I feel when you get a certain age that lock just does not matter much for #1 -lol (that will be IT for anywhere besides home).. this is in regards to someone's home, however I dislike when in an airport or public place and there is no lock on the door stall...then I do have a panic going on.
You trying holding yourself up and trying to keep your toe pressed against the door at the same time. A dangerous position to be in...that is for sure.
I'm not a bathroom door locker (other than at work or when I am home alone, as I don't want the axe murderer sneaking in while I am in the shower and can't hear him) does that make me an exhibitionist?
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