The Sugar V and I got into a lunchtime discussion the other day about different life scenarios. The topic of masturbation came up, a good topic for any man...or woman for that matter. We are in agreement that most people masturbate and we think it's great.
The part of the discussion we could not seem to agree upon was the masturbation thought process and who we "think" of when we take care of business. I stated that it is a waste of time and silly to masturbate thinking about someone we can have at ANY time, for real. Like say you are dating someone for four years and live with them, why masturbate thinking about them? You can have them at any time. Masturbate thinking about a fantasy or a scenario thay may or may not ever happen, or perhaps something hot that you experienced in the past. I can't see masturbating about someone you can have at any point in time, whenever you want.
What's your view? Do you think of a current boyfriend/girlfriend when you do it, or do you think of "fantasy" scenarios with others?
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Woo-hoo! I get to be the 1st to be daring enough to comment.
Mine are sometimes reliving a past scenario or inventing a new one - and the stars have usually been someone I know, whether its intimate or not.
Fantasy,mostly. Except when I was dating long distance, then it was mainly my boyfriend, simply because I couldn't have him anytime.
I'm with Muse. But, it all depends on how the wind is blowing that day.
Perhaps I'm just too complicated...
Mine are usually someone I know, but if there is someone in particular that has sparked some interest that I don't know...well, then it can go either way.
Okay, I'm a freak of nature. I don't masturbate.
I would go with fantasy most of the time. It allows my imagination to go wild. hehe
I do it when the time between visits with my boyfriend get to be a little too long. And I fantasize about my boyfriend that I've been with since 01/08/2004. I'm fantasizing about him right now....too bad I'm at work. No taking care of business now.
I agree. Why think of someone you can have? That makes no sense. LOL. Unless it was some great experience that you have to relive cause it was so hot.
I agree with ya 100% - for a change ;)
I've been with my husband for 11 years now (married 8) so like you said, why think about someone I can have any time? Its definitely fantasies - and I am sure that he does the same thing.
I think about OK well usually it's someone real that I know, cause the fantasy about being with s celeb does not appeal to me much.
I usually don't fantasize about celebrity hot guys. I usually think about amazing previous encounters I've had or I'll think about a guy that I like or think is hot but haven't hooked up with yet.
I would have to go with everyone else who said fantasy - sometimes it's someone who is a mix of a bunch of different people, not necessarily a celebrity or someone I know and can't have.
But who said they don't masturbate? How do you survive in between actual sexual encounters?
I'm with Muse, Marie and Heather on this one. Mine are usually with someone I know, or that mysterious stranger I see every week at Petsmart or the Local Deli. I don't do celebs. I stick to those that are case one day...
Sometimes I think about hubby but mostly it's about some one else that I will never have. Hell I'm only human!
I'd have to say that I don't necessarily ALWAYS think about someone --- but when I do, its usually someone I'm attracted to but haven't slept with or a fantasy ---- very rarely is it with someone that I've already experienced....
I'm a teacher. We're not allowed to do that sort of thing.
I was reading thru and I had already commented! Only it wasn't me!!
You have another Kristi reader!!!
That totally freaked me out!
Ummm, oh and yah fantasy!
I'm in the "reliving extremely hot episode" camp, as in with someone I know (or am involved with). Or sometimes I'll think about a scene in a movie that turned me on at the time.
I would say fantasy. I agree with most everyone else. It would be someone that I know and that I’m attracted to. Celebrities are hot, but it just doesn’t work. I agree with Not Nicole, it’s exciting to think that it is something that could happen for real.
Fantasy baby...
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