"I Believe I Can Fly"

Did everyone hear about this asshole? At last night's Yankee game this douche nozzle jumped from the upper deck and fell 40' onto the netting that protects the seats behind home plate from foul balls. This guy truly gets the douche nozzle of the week award.
What if the net would have ripped? I don't care that this asshole would have died, but what about the innocent people below him? They should lock this prick away for a while. Let the inmates jump on him for a year or two.....
Dudes Got Some Brains. Lesson Learned never sit under the nets behind home plate.
Who sang that song...I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky...?
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I didn't hear about it!! Come on, where's the link to the news story? What kind of blogger are you, Charlie? ;) (just teasing you of course... although links are always a good thing) :)
Maybe this is the guy also sending all the spam.
I guess no one ever told him that the net was made to hold the weight of a BASEBALL, not a human being.
The guy must be a Red Sox fan.
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