I was thinking the other day about the earliest "newsworthy" event/current event that I can remember as a child. For some reason, it was the 1976 Presidential Election when Jimmy Carter defeated Gerald Ford.

My earliest childhood "newsworthy" memory....

Other events that I can clearly remember from my childhood (under age 12) are:
Reggie Jackson hitting 3 home runs in Game 6 of the 1977 World Series giving the Yankees the victory and the championship. I remember hearing my mom screaming and cheering from my room.
Elvis Presley's death in August of 1977. I remember watching TV and the news cutting in and announcing his passing.
The huge nuclear scare at 3 Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania in 1979. We all thought we were going to get fried.
John Lennon's death in December of 1980. He had just released his "Double Fantasy" album and the song "Just Like Starting Over" was played every second on the radio for weeks after his death.
The assasination attempt on President Reagan in March of 1981. This was announced on the loudspeaker at school and we went home a couple of hours early.
What are some of your earliest childhood "newsworthy" memories????
Wow, those are pretty much my exact earliest, most graphic news-worthy memories too! I might be just a tad older (I'm 36) 'cause the very first thing I remember is Nixon's resignation. I was pretty young, though.
I remember Reggie Jackson's HRs vividly too -- but I wanted to cry. I was a huge Dodgers fan back then.
Sorry Charlie, can't say I remembered, I was born in 76! (omg)
my childhood was filled with beatings by both belt and paddle..........I try not to remember anything from the past
I'm so young. I'm going to go with Challenger and the earthquake during the World Series.
I never really paid any attention to the news (unless it pertained to the Yankees or the Denver Bronco's) The only significant newsworthy thing from my childhood (I was born in '79) was Challenger blowing up and the whole Oliver North trial
As soon as I stop laughing from Freak's commen,I'll get back to you. No offense Sugar.
I love JIMMY CARTER!!! Also when Reagan was shot, I think I had just come home from school and my mom was glued to the TV.
I remember the Challenger explosion. But my first real newsworthy event was the rocket fuel plant explosion near my house in May of '88. I might have to blog this story - its a good one.
Wow, some of these folks are making me feel old!
I would have to go with Elvis dying in '77 as the first I really remember. My mother is a huge Elvis fan, so that was a big deal in our house. Also, the assassination attempt on Reagan; I didn't understand much of the implications at the time, but I remember sitting in front of the TV just riveted. And, I've been a news junkie ever since.
I don't remember Bobby Kennedy getting shot, but I have a vague memory of seeing a flag-draped coffin being loaded onto a train. I've come to realize that must have been Bobby Kennedy. I was too young to remember JFK being shot.
I was in high school during the Watergate stuff. I have pretty clear memories of all that stuff.
The biggest one for me was when the Phillies won the World Series in 1980 - I was 12. I remember Dick Clark rockin in the New Year in 1978, I was 10. Shit, I don't remember a whole lot else before that age.
Hmmm...I really can't remember my earliest memory, but I do remember the last. It was C-Mac coming in with a giant right hand. He then wrote a blog about penis enlargement creams.
Freak now you are getting it now I can help you get that lodged sausage out there for ya...Oh yeah and remember guys looove the backdoor action well unless your C-Mac then you are the backdoor action :)
I also recall the 1976 Presidential election as well as all of the elections following.
I remember the assassination attempts on President Reagan and also Pope John Paul II.
I recall the hostage situation in Iran back in '79/'80.
Oh, and I recall when the Dogdgers beat the Yankees in game 6 back in 1981 to win the World Series. ;) hehehehe
I recall the Challenger explosion and Pres. Regan's assasination attemp. I can even tell you that I was sitting in Mr. Sauerwine's Social Studies class in 8th or 9th grade with the Challenger exploded. The whole school watched it happen.
I remember the day Pres. JFK was shot and how my family cried for so long, the deep sorrow throughout our home and the same feeling at all our relatives and friends' places.
I very distincly remember Lennon being shot - I was 9 and a HUGE Beatles fan. I also remember the Challenger explosion well, and Reagan being shot.
And of course Reg-gie! Reg-gie! What Yankees fan doesn't remember that???
I remember when men first landed on the moon!!!
The first ones that come to mind that I remember are:
- the first Reagan election
- the Challenger disaster
- Princess Di's death
I'm sure there are others if I just took time to think about it longer. Hope you're having a great day!
Mine was the assassination of JFK. I can remember being rounded up in school to watch a tiny TV set in the school cafeteria.
Jeez Charlie, how old ARE you?
:) Princess
Well, us OLD folks have much earlier memories.
My first newsworthy memory was the cover of the Daily News with Sonny Liston's bloodied face...the emergence of Cassius Clay (later known as Muhammed Ali, for you youngsters). I was five or six.
I have a vivid memory of the JFK assassination, and saw Jack Ruby kill Lee Harvey Oswald right on tv as I watched in horror. I was 9.
Many of my other memories have to do with crime: The Kitty Genovese murder, Richard Speck (who killed eight nurses in Chicago), The Boston Strangler...
I was a news junkie as a kid, and I remember just about everything I've ever seen or read or heard, so my brain is chock full of this stuff.
I remember watching the Apollo liftoffs (don't remember which ones). I definitely remember Nixon resigning. HUGE headline NIXON RESIGNS. Of course, everything else after that has already been listed. I remember that Bing Crosby died after Elvis Presley and me not understanding why people were more upset about Elvis than Bing.
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