The problem I have is with people who see themselves COMPLETELY different from the way the rest of us see them. I don't want to hear that bullshit expression "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", that's nonsense. I am talking about the people who claim they are "in shape" or "hot" when they totally aren't.

Let's Get Real

Let me give you a great example. On Friday Night, Tatiana and I were out and we ran into a couple while we were out that we had never met before. They were engaged and in their late 20's/early 30's. The guy was in shape and it was apparent he exercised at least 5 days a week. He was toned, slim, in great shape and carried himself well. His fiancee was very heavy, sloppy, out of shape, and quite honestly, very unattractive. Right from the start I thought to myself "What a mismatch", but whatever it is what it is.
Tatiana mentioned that she was going outside to smoke. The out of shape woman said, "Oh I quit smoking two weeks ago". Tatiana went outside and the woman followed. I got to talking to the guy and he was a nice dude. While the women were outside Tatiana later told me that the woman asked for a cigarette. Tatiana said "Oh I thought you quit", the woman responded "I did, but I just feel like smoking". Tatiana then asked the woman why she quit smoking. The woman replied "Oh, it's because I am an athlete, I can't smoke anymore".
AN ATHLETE!!!!!! Are you fuckin kidding me???????????? What is your athletic event lady, the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest? This woman is in serious denial. I run 30+ miles a week and I don't even consider myself "an athlete". An athlete is someone dedicated to their skill, someone who trains, exercises, and keeps themselves in top shape. This woman was anything BUT an athlete.
Why do people claim to be something they are not? Does this woman REALLY believe she is an athlete? Does she think people believe her when she tells this story??? I know a few people who claim to have been this, that, or the other who I know are blatently lying....should I be calling these people out on their lies, or letting them think I believe them???
I don't get it. Maybe Darian has a point.
One time in the lovely city of Binghamton NY, I got a lap dance from a women who had to be 350+ lbs. Oddly enough, I enjoyed it.
Whoa...Pu you are an odd fella...
Ignorance is bliss!
Somehow, between this post and after Darian's comment, I got the picture of a female version of Fat Bastard. That's going to haunt me all day.
Thanks, guys.
Maybe she is a shot putter...field women are often hefty *laugh* I just say that as back in my being an athlete days I was on the field team doing the jumps but I hung out with the throwers and they were really good (good enough to get full track scholarships to big DI programs) and did NOT look athletic at all...
But so true, so many people see themselves through skewed glasses, it amazes me as well
People do it everyday....they kid themselves about their looks, money, jobs, etc. I run into couples everyday that are mismatched and wonder what the hell. But to each his own i guess.
I think that every time I see a girl in a belly-baring shirt when she has a gut hangining out...or a guy with his shirt off and his boobs are bigger than mine. What world do they live in where they can get away with wearing that stuff?
OMG Charlie! That is the worst! Seriously, why do people act like that? It just amazes me! Sumo Wrestler is right! haha
she was about 5'7 and about 230lbs.
Well, whatever. If she thinks she's an athlete let her. You should've told her you were a super hero...or a rockstar.
Hmmm... maybe she used to weigh 330 pounds and has been working her ass off (literally) in the gym and thinking of herself as an athelte keeps her motivated to lose the next 100. Could be...
She could be a sumo wrestler, thats true. You could have asked what her specialty was.....
Depending on my mood or what these people meant to me I may have inquired further. Pointing out how full of shit she is.
Full of shit poeple make me nuts too!!!
I know a couple of them.
however, to know them is to love them. I also know to take what they say with a grain of salt.
They are truly only hurting themselves.
I agree with Rachwell -- I often look at people and wonder "did they look in the mirror this morning and think 'DAMN! I look GOOD!'" because I'm here to tell them that while I am not the queen of fashion, I do know that pants that are too tight and low riding and short, tight shirts that allow for a roll of fat to be all out for the world to see is NOT a good idea. I'm just sayin'.
Wow, I wonder what kind of athlete she thinks she is. And clearly her definition of an athlete is very skewed!
I love Nathan's Hot dogs, but OMG one of those and you have gained like 5lbs! LOL That was funny though.
I was married to a stagehand who had gone to acting school. He told everyone he was an actor. I always thought that was stupid, since he never actually WORKED as an actor (except in a play we produced and he was terrible).
It's kind of sad, really, when people have to bullshit themselves.
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