Saturday, August 20, 2005

True Freedom

I was thinking, who do you think has more freedom, the married man/man in a relationship in America or the single man in Communist China? I have to go with the single guy in China. He may not be able to leave the country, but he can leave his house without any explanation or problems. Hell, who needs to go to Europe or wherever else overseas, men just want to be able to leave their homes without permission or explanation. :)

***For those of you with no sense of humor, I am just playing around...this is a joke of a post.***


Fred said...

Depends on the partner. The Missus could care less where I go, so I'll take the married man with the qualifier of having a great wife.

Inner Fonzie said...

In a healthy relationship, each partner should be able to have a life outside of their marriage. The basic foundation of trust should be there... it should be implicit. If it doesn't exist, then it needs to be addressed, as it will only get worse with time, and insecurities will tear at the marriage.

Angel! said...

You haven't met the right girl for you yet.

I believe that a couple is made out from 3 lives: mine, his and ours.

True Jersey Girl said...

I think you are dating the wrong women, Charlie. My husband can do whatever he wants whenever he wants. And so can I.

supplymadam said...

If someone has to tell someone when and where they can go then that is insecure on their part or inconsiderate of their partner. I do what I want and he does what he wants. No one needs permission.
There was life before marriage. Hell I see him everyday,isn't that enough?