I get a big kick out of people who go and get "tribal" or other wacky tattoos plastered on their bodies. They walk around claiming that the design is a symbol for some big, meaningful ancient concept. How the fuck do they know? They were drunk at 3am when they got the tattoo, yet it is such a spritual thing for them. They go around claiming the tattoo is the ancient symbol for strength when in fact it is a food selection off of a Chinese menu. What the fuck do you think, that the dude in the tattoo shop is going to tell you what it really means? "It really means you are a whore, but tell everyone it's the ancient symbol for purity." I doubt he/she knows anyway.

I'll Take The Lo Mein...........

I love the girls who walk around with crosses or some other "religious" symbol tattooed to their lower back as they parade around half naked. The last time they were spiritual or prayed was when they took a pregnancy test and promised God they'd never have sex again if the test came back negative. Give me a break already.
I am not against tattoos one bit, I just get annoyed when people are uneducated or clueless and walk around thinking things mean something that they don't and they haven't even researched what they got plastered to their own body.
Yeah, I think that whole symbolism thing is way lame. I have two tatoos, one is a flower, one is a shamrock on my pelvis, and NO it doesn't mean if you see it you're going to get "lucky."
Ugh, if I had a nickel for every time...
Really why get a tribal tattoo that no one knows what it means? If you want to share something about yourself, get something that tells everyone who see's it about you. I'm still pickin' out mine (have been for over a year now), as you can see it's a top priority. lol
Gettin' a tat Cmac?
Love the shamrock idea Jenni!
I have two of them...
The one on my back has a lot of symbolism, but only to me and my mother. I did a post about it a million years ago--long story.
The one on my ankle is just for decoration--no special reason--just to look pretty.
But, I definitely agree with you about the people that get them without a clue what the meaning is behind them.
DITTO my friend! I have a good laugh at people's stupidity at times.... No tats for me -- that's not something I've ever really wanted. I keep thinking what the damn thing will look like when I'm 80 and all my skin is sagging! :) But I love to see really cool ones on other people. I'll just live vicariously thru them in regards to tats!
I'm not a tattoo girl. Ive had a henna one though. It lasted two weeks.
Ps You missed the alien pic I just put up as I was editing.
Do you have any tattoos Charlie??
I have wanted one that is for my daughter and i. 2 scorpios with their tails intwined.
We share a birthday.
Came up with the idea 5 years ago.......
its still an idea.
However, i am not an artist. So i don't have a design and i wouldn't know where to put it.
Don't want it where I can't see it!
Afterall, it is for me!
When I was in college and designing tattoos, I used to laugh at people's requests for me. Unless it was unique, I wasn't interested in doing commissioned work. I did some flash stuff for the wall & my own portfolio, but I didn't care who chose that.
Kristi - get in touch with me, and maybe I can help in designing the 2 scorpios. I need a new project to work on!
Ladies with tattoos just below the belt, are hot.
My nephew and his wife have about a total of 30 tattoos between the 2 of them. They are really good looking people and right now they look okay but I think they will regret them when they are in thier
60's and up.
When my husband's sister passed away my nephew had a cruise ship tattooed on his calf with her name "Camille" to honor her because she loved cruises and that was the name that was on an actual cruise ship they went on. I know a tattoo artist who does really nice work if anyone needs a reference. He did people from the Howard Stern show. The shop is in Howard Beach,NY. He lives in back of me.
Kristi, cute idea... I'm a scorp too. I like tattoos when they are meanful to the person, and are not overwhelming.
I have two small Keith Haring inspired figures (just below the belt) that I designed myself.
Charlie, I think you should get a tattoo that just says "I'll take the lo mein" across your back. That would show them...
I have two tattoos that mean something to me -- at least the second one does. The first one is just a cutesy thing I got when I was 21.
My aunt is a major runner, and she has wings tattoed on each ankle -- it looks cool.
However, I will say that if you are a professional woman -- dressed up, gorgeous suit, heels, the works -- your credibility plummets when you have a tacky tattoo on your ankle.
I wear fake ones, or Henna....but forget that forever stuff...I'm just not into something I can't change.
Maybe I will get "Read My Blog" Tattooed on my hiney?
I agree...I've got three, but they all have meaning. Not to mention that I put over a year of thought into each one. I'm pondering the fourth right now.
You make a good point here. I've been pondering one for a while and want to get one that is unique and means something to me personally. There's alot of thought involved for sure....I wouldn't want to get a tattoo just for the sake of getting one that appears to look "cool" at the moment.
I have a tatoo and let me tell you it is symbolic for something and that is something personal. It's not stupid fucking tribal shit or anything ridiculous that's out there. I designed it and well it was intended for my belly button. Part of the meaning of the tatoo meant life (the creation) and well I wanted it to look like it was coming out of my belly button, becuase with out the umbilical cord we wouldn't have lived growing inside our mothers.
The tatoo artist told me it was going to cover my entire belly, so I told him to forget that shit. I ended up getting it somewhere on my body that you can only see if I wear certain things. It's not for show, it's for me.
I went to Great Adventure the other day and I saw some chick with tribal work on her lower abs. Now what the fuck was that for? Like you said, you don't know the true meaning, I always made fun of that shit. It practically covered her entire lower abs. When I was getting mine many moons ago I thought even harder thinking if I were to ever have kids, that shit would have stretched out anyway. Three surgeries later where they had to go through my belly button and expand my belly I was thankful I didn't get the tatoo on my belly.
So in general if you get a tatoo make sure it truly means something because if not you just look like a big dumb fuck in my eyes and everyone in the world. Remember when you get old and wrinkley that tatoo is just going to look like a big paint smudge. Be wise with your decisions.
I have two tattoos, both of which I designed, and both were done when I was completely sober. They're for me and The Missus to enjoy; they're on my back.
I get a kick out of the Chinese characters, most of them probably mean "Look at this dumb shit, he has no idea what the f**k we put on his body."
"I just get annoyed when people are uneducated or clueless"
That was a great statement you posted. Aside from just tattoos I feel that way about many other issues as well. Feel people should do their research and know all the facts before they express what they hear others tell them as truth. Example the Tattoo artist and his views.
Take care...have a great weekend.
Yes some people and their tattoo explanations are quite intriguing. That is why I Don't have a tattoo I can't think of anything that would have a good story to go with it :-)
I do agree with you on this one. I myself have several tattoo's and each I have designed myself. I will not use flash off a Tattoo persons wall. Each Tattoo I have has deep meaning for me. KI for the life of me can not imagine having the tweety bird or some other cartoon blastered on my ass. I feel if you are going to put something on your body that is going to be there forever, it better mean something!!!
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