A Douche Nozzle Indeed!

It's the same breed who feel the need to wear sunglasses at night. Yeah, Corey Hart did a song about that very topic back in 1985, it wasn't cool then and it's certainly not cool now. What are these people trying to prove? OOOOOOOOH LOOK AT ME, I LOOK SO FUCKIN' STYLISH IN MY SUNGLASSES here at 11pm. Asshole, take them off, it's very fuckin' annoying.
Didn't they sell sunglasses on an infomercial years back to wear at night while driving? I think they were called "Night Vision".

Did Anyone Actually Buy These?

Very stylish huh?
I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday and a great start to the week. Summer is winding down, make sure you get out and about each night the next few weeks and soak it all up!!!! Today is vote day for TOP BLOG, if you are still enjoying "Bored at the Beach" be sure to vote for me. As always, thanks to all of you for your daily visits! :)
I always wear x-ray vision sunglasses indoors because I truly enjoy seeing as many bras and panties as I can.
Sunglasses inside AND at night? Puh-lease. Aren't you trying just a little too damn hard to be cool?
Not stylish sunglasses at night!
But my sunglasses are like one of my trademarks, I love them dearly. I never leave my home without them, they are like a body part, a handbag or my American Express! You just will not find me without them...just in case I can't make it home at night, they are stored safely for the morning light! (smiling)
Thanks for stopping by and hope you are feeling better! Your friend here...
The only people that are allowed to wear sunglasses at night are the Blues Brothers. Period.
People who are sunglasses obsessed make me nuts too. If it's raining, take them off. If you're having a conversation with me--eye contact is necessary--take them off. If you're planning on kissing someone, TAKE THEM OFF.
Freak - I had the magnification turned down 'cause there was too much furriness walking around this building.
Freak and Pu are at it again! The only time I wear sunglasses indoors is "NEVER". I think it's kind of rude because then you can't tell if someone is watching you from behind them.
Only people who think they are cool and pervs wear them indoors.
Oh yeah,my vote is casted.
Piglet has a pair of sunglasses just like those. They came in his detective kit from the dollar store.
:) Princess
When I go to the eye doctor and get my pupils dilated I have to wear my shades for about 5-6 hours, indoors & everywhere; I always feel like a big asshole pretender and I have to tell everyone "I'm not trying to be cool, my pupils are dilated."
You got my vote, as always.
I hate girls who think that sunglasses are a hair accessory!!
I agree wholeheartedly! But I have to admit I wear mine as a hair accessory Cendrine. If I don't...I lose them.
Man! What a blow to my ego...here I was thinking I was the coolest person in the room when I wore my sunglasses indoors and it was nighttime
Your sarcastic humor kills me, i love it. I hate those people too Charlie...my friend's boyfriend does that and it takes everything in me not to tell him to take the effing things off.
What is even worse is when they also are wearing socks with sandals - makes me want to vomit. What the fuck are these people thinking!! :op
these pricks piss me off too and I couldn't have said it better myself!..... and for the record, I've done my monday voting for you!
Freak- why are you picking a fight with me, I'm the nice guy. BTW, I would never look at the SugarV with my xray glasses, I only use them on cute girls, so it's useless to bring them to the office.
Students try and do it all the time in class. No medical note? No glasses.
Drug addicts only fall under the 'asshole' category when they don't share.
I wear sunglasses at night because all the beautiful women would blond me I say... blind me with their beauty ... yeah... and... um... it would suck, cuz then I wouldn't be able to see their beauty anymore and I would have to stroke their neck checking for the adam's apples...
hmmm.... "blond me" ... was that a freudian slip... without the freud thing?
hey thanks for stoppin by! awesome blog yourself. i agree with the sunglasses thing. um another reason i had thought of though is that they know they are fugly so they wear them inside. notice how someone looks quite delicious, man or woman, with sunglasses on and when they take them off it's like *um EW*. god i hope that i don't appear like that when i take my sunglasses off! sorry but ain't no damn sun shinin on ya ass INDOORS! i just popped by so i'll have to read the rest later.
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