Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Sleep, Rest, and Naps

Who doesn't love sleep? There's nothing like a good, long sleep. I think we all have our little sleeping "quirks." For instance, I'm a pillow flipper. I looooove flipping that pillow anytime I wake up to get the "cool side" of the pillow. They should make plug in pillows that have a cooling element in them so the pillow is always cool. That would be awesome. I also love a comforter/blanket ALL year round. I have to have the weight of a blanket on me when I sleep. In summer, I crank the A/C to make the room about 60 degrees and still bundle up under that blanket. I have not woken to an alarm clock since High School. I automatically wake up at least 15 minutes before I have to get up every day including weekends. I don't like to be startled by a clock anyway, so I am glad I have the gift of an accurate internal clock. I never understood the snooze button that people seem to love. How can you tap it and relax and go back to sleep when you KNOW it's going to buzz again in a few minutes? I don't get it! I don't find those 20 minutes of broken sleep every 5 minutes very relaxing or refreshing! I am so weird that if I wake up within 60 minutes of having to get up, I can't fall back to sleep. I will just rest and think and usually end up getting up shortly after that. I have one of those laser clocks that point the time on the ceiling, I couldn't live without it. You just open your eyes and the time is in HUGE red numbers on the ceiling. I hated fumbling to look at the clock for a time check. I loooooove just looking up and seeing the time. i am kind of obsessed with time at night, mainly on weeknights. On weekends I could care less about the time. On weekends, unless I am out until a crazy hour the night before, I can't really sleep past 9 or so anymore. I can lay in bed until 11 watching TV and stuff, but I can't really sleep later than 9. If I wake up and it's cold and snowy or rainy out I can force myself to go back to sleep....but it is usually only for a short time.

As far as naps, I am not a huge fan, but a nap is sometimes great, especially on a rainy weekend day. I always seem to nap for 5-10 minutes and wake up thinking I've been asleep for hours. Ever have those naps? You wake up all disoriented thinking you've been asleep for a long time and it's been like 7 minutes and the same episode of "The Real World" or some stupid Saturday Afternoon show is on and you've only missed like a commercial break and maybe 2 minutes of the show. It's a weird feeling. Long "naps" usually give me a headache, so I try to avoid them.

Weeknights I am weird about sleep. I like to be in bed by 1030-11 the latest. I watch like 30 minutes of TV and then go to sleep. I am weird about anything disturbing my sleep routine on weeknights. On weekends, I'll sleep anywhere at any time(does not sound right, haha)....but during the week I like some sort of routine.

I want to hear some of your sleeping or nap "quirks."

1 comment:

supplymadam said...

I gotta get me one of those laser clocks. Where have I been? Oh sleep is an interesting topic. I myself am not a napper although I must confess that last Saturday I went out at 9:30 which I was not thrilled about. So I wanted to make sure I would be awake enough to enjoy myself, I took a nap from 4:30 -6:00(a rare occurence for me)
I also have an internal clock. I think most of seem to have one the older we get epecially. Sleep is a great commodity. I love it too. I always required 8 hrs to function normally. When I was a kid I missed alot of movie endings. Now I can pretty much force myself to stay awake providing I don't have an early start the next day. Weekends I try to sleep and extra hour or so,providing how late the night before was. But yes I loooove to sleep. I also need to sleep with a comforter and in the summer I also crank th A/C and get all cozy under that blanket. And cool pillows are also my petpeeve. Turning them over like a spit on a barbeque.