Friday, February 18, 2005

Played Out Lines

Everyone has heard them. Everyone has probably said them too. What I'm referring to are the lines used in a relationship or at the end of a relationship, you know them, the played out bullshit ones. Here are some of my favorites:

"I need some space" This is the nice way to tell someone you don't want them around anymore, to stop coming by, calling, writing, or even breathing. Once the "space" line is given, it's pretty much over.

"I need some time" This is similar to the "I need some space" line but this one means you better buy a new watch battery. It also means you'll be waiting forever for whatever it is they need this time for. Once this line is given, go out, get drunk, and bang someone else to ease the pain.

"It's not you it's me" This is a great way to get rid of someone by making them think you are the fucked up one.

"Let's still be friends" This means they look at you or you look at them (if you are saying it) like a relative and you don't turn them on anymore. It's also the nice way of telling someone they suck in bed.

"You'll always have a special place in my heart" This is the nice way of telling someone that they have permanently scarred you and fucked you up.

"You're too good for me" This is someone's way of telling you they are fucked up and will most likely dick you over. It's kind of a warning signal to start running.

"I don't deserve you" This is the same as you're too good for me, only this is said when someone has done bad shit behind your back that you don't know about and they are feeling really guilty about it.

I'd love to hear some of your favorites............

1 comment:

supplymadam said...

Why not just say " I'm just not into you"?