Wednesday, February 09, 2005


There are certain expressions or phrases that really make no sense to me. For instance, if someone is in a bad mood in the morning, people say, "You woke up on the wrong side of the bed." What the hell does that mean? What if one side of your bed is against the wall? How is it possible then? What does getting out of bed on a certain side have to do with your mood? Then there is "It's raining cats and dogs." I'm still trying to figure that one out. Is it that the rain is coming down so fast it looks like dogs are chasing cats? Speaking of cats, then there is the expression, "There's more than one way to skin a cat." What are we working in a Chinese restaurant? Who skins cats? Or how about "Don't beat a dead horse" or "Let dead dogs lie." Why all these references to dead animals or the killing of animals? "Kill two birds with one stone" is another violent animal reference. Who sat and thought of all these? "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth", what the hell? "Don't have a cow" is another animal reference. Who's popping out a cow? Then there is "Wait until the cows come home", another cow reference.

Here are few of my favorite funny expressions:
"You can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit no matter how much mayonaise you use"
"If my Aunt had a dick, she'd be my Uncle"
"If my dog had a square ass and ate mud, he'd shit bricks"

I'd enjoy some of your favorites..............


supplymadam said...

The raining cats and dogs comes from(I got this on an e-mail) In older times roofs were made out of straw and animals would sleep on them to keep warm and when it rained hard the roof would give way and the animals(mostly cats and dogs)would fall through. I believe they were very low roofs(or is it rooves)

Unknown said...

Heheheh.. I have some.

1) It aint't Jello without the pudding.
2) All the blood has left my head and went to my stomach.
3) Time knows no man.
4) I got sh*t on my head.
5) I gotta cut off at the chase.

Well theres some anyway...