Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Groundhog Day

Well, another Groundhog Day is upon us. Last I heard, he did not see any shadows so spring is around the corner. I wish it was that easy! Now, do we go by what the official groundhog does in PA, or do we go by a local groundhog? I wouldn't trust a Bronx groundhog, he hears a gunshot he may run back in and hide, so we'd never know how accurate he is. I haven't seen too many groundhogs hanging out in Long Beach, guess they don't like the salty air.

I was hoping I'd have like 100 chances at the perfect day today like Bill Murray did in the movie Groundhog Day. Wouldn't that be awesome? Coreect your mistakes, tell people off, do crazy and reckless things, eat whatever you want, and know it would all be forgotten "tomorrow." I think I'd try robbing a bank, just to see what it's like. I'd definitely tell a few people off, eat, drink, and have lots of sex. Sounds like a normal day anyway. haha Seriously, I would definitely do some things that I probably would never do if I could hit the rewind button and start all over again the next day. What would you do?


supplymadam said...

I guess could use some mindless fun. It all sounds good. Maybe go visit that nude beach. heehee! Oh wait,can we postpone Groundhog Day till summer?

supplymadam said...

I guess I could use some mindless fun. It all sounds good. Maybe go visit that nude beach. heehee! Oh wait,can we postpone Groundhog Day till summer?