Wednesday, February 02, 2005

New Invention

I am always thinking of new inventions or new ideas that build on an existing product and I never do anything about it. Then like a year later I see it on the market and I get pissed off. I was thinking, why don't they make caramel oreos? Oreo cookie with a caramel flavored creme? Or peanut butter Oreos? They make half peanut butter half chocolate creme Oreos, but not full peanut butter ones. They should make Hershey's Kisses with peanut butter in them. Or a mixed bag with some peanut butter, some jelly inside them. Ok, enough peanut butter ideas, I don't mean to sound like George Washington Carver. How about soft pretzels with the mustard baked in the when you bite it you have your mustard already inside. Will save a big mess at baseball games and other sporting events. How come they don't make grape pie? Grape soda, grape juice, grape gum, grape candy, but no grape pie. Never caught on as a pie filling.......


Molly said...

Ooh! Peanut Butter filled Hershey Kisses? Might be reason enough to convince me that Hershey Kisses are worth eating!

supplymadam said...

I don't that I've thought of something and someone else comes out with it. i do remember saying more than once"WHY COULDN'T I HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT"?

always_thinking said...

i also have a new is a white chocolate bar, dipped in sprinkles and then dipped in chocolate....YUMMY.....