Friday, February 25, 2005

Saying "No" to Sex

Ok, I have a question. Why is it that in a dating situation it is always ok for a woman to not be in the mood or "ready" for sex and can say no, but a man can't? If a man says no, the world falls off it's axis and the woman goes into panic mode. Why can a woman just say no at any time but a man can't? Is it that men are expected to be horny all the time? I know it does not happen often, but men should be allowed the same latitude. Sometimes a woman will annoy us or piss us off to the point that no matter how hot they are, you don't want to be "with" them at a particular time or moment. I think it's a double standard in society. If you say no to a woman or avoid sex even ONE time, they think you aren't attracted to them, that you are getting it someplace else, or you are gay. It's crazy. It's the same situation when you are dating, guys have the pressure on them and women call the shots. If we "make a move" too soon then the woman will think that's all we are after, if we are a gentleman and wait a while because we like and respect the woman, then they think we are not into them. Women don't realize they call the shots. They just say yes or no and we have to deal with it. So the next time you ladies bitch and moan about how tough it is to be a female, think about our point of view! :)


Molly said...

Yeah but guys still have peeing standing up...

Charlie Mc said...

yeah, but you have to do it 1' away from another guy peeing! haha

supplymadam said...

Who knows anymore what the hell to do about this situation? I thought the women of today were sexually independent. Well I guess not. I say stop with the games and get to bed. You know you're gonna wind up in there eventually anyway.

CiaFai said...

It's all about communication. If a guy doesn't want to have sex with a woman and it's not because he's not interested in her and it's just that he isn't ready or just wants to wait, he should tell her that. Let her know that he's into her and doesn't think that sex right now is a big deal for him. If she's really into him, she'll respect that. Maybe those men are just dealing with the wrong women, but it's all about communication. Be very detailed with your thoughts, don't leave anything out. We aren't all mind readers damn it!!!