Tuesday, February 08, 2005

"Fear Factor Diet"

We have the Atkins, the South Beach, Weight Watchers, and about a million other diets out there. I thought of a terrific one last night, the "Fear Factor Diet." There was nothing on last night so I decided to watch "Fear Factor" at 8pm. I've seen it before, but last night was absolutely gross. These couples had to eat like 6lbs of bugs, brains, intestine, you name it. I was hungry for snacks before I put it on, after about 3 minutes of watching that I had no appetite at all. That got me thinking.....NBC should patent a Fear Factor Diet plan. Anytime you are hungry and ready to binge you pop in a dvd or vhs tape of these people eating and gagging on all this nasty stuff and you won't want to eat. I am 100% certain this would work. These couples were eating all this stuff for a 2 week trip to Belize, BELIZE!!!!! I wouldn't eat that stuff for a trip around the world! How do these people not get violently sick from eating this stuff? There has to be tons of bacteria in these animal and bug parts. Next time you are trying to lose weight, turn on Fear Factor, you won't eat the rest of the night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See, that's the thing, it shouldn't even be called Fear Factor because the things they do are just gross, not scary. If it was a real fear factor show, they would find out the person's deepest fear and repeatedly put them through torture.