Wednesday, February 23, 2005


I think the best place to take a shower is in your own house. Not only for the comfort and familiarity, but for the hot and cold water knob calibration knowledge. At your own house, you know exactly how far, even if it's one millimeter, you need to adjust that knob if you want your water hotter or cooler. When you are at a friend's house or at a hotel you are all disoriented when it comes to the water temperature calibration. In some places you move the knob less than a millimeter and it raises the water temperature like 100 degrees. In some places you move that knob like halfway around and the water does not change temperature. It sucks when you have to get familiar with this process while you are already under the water. You find yourself jumping all over the shower when you are adjusting the temperature at an unfamiliar place because you want to avoid the stream of water in case that slight of hand turns the water boiling or freezing. Also, at home, you are used to a certain water pressure. You go to some places and it like trickles, at other places, you get to power wash your ass!

What's the deal with the hotel soaps? Can they get any smaller? I throw soap out when it gets that small!!! If the soap is like smaller than the palm of my hand, it gets tossed. Nothing like a fresh, full sized bar...and a TON of shower gels.....I have about nine bottles of it in my shower....all different scents. It's quite refreshing. Nothing like a shower at home, full of variety and a familiar hot and cold water knob.


Molly said...

I have to agree that there is nothing like a shower at home...also I hate trying to arrange my various bath products away from home as it is just not as handy as your own personal shower head caddy. I hate arranging everything on a ledge or on the floor of the tub. It is never as convenient as showering at home.

supplymadam said...

There really is no place like home.
There's just too many things you need handy that are exactly where you have them within reach. I loooove my showers at home. Aren't we just creatures of habit?