Friday, February 25, 2005

"Road Kill" Candy

Did you hear about this new candy Kraft is putting on the market? It's called "Road Kill Gummy Candy." It is gummy candy that looks like animals that were run over by cars. It even has the tread marks over the animal where the tire ran it over. What marketing genius thought up this idea? Can you picture this asshole in the board room rolling out this idea and everyone going, "Yeah Jimmy, that's a great idea!!!!" Did this genius wait until the night before an idea was due and just get high and think this up???? Of course animal rights groups are pissed off. They feel this sends the wrong message to kids, that it is ok to harm animals. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of all these "rights" groups and acitivist groups taking on these bullshit causes. So, a five year old that eats this stupid candy is going to get an idea to hop on his big wheel and mow down squirrels? All the kid wants is the candy, he could give a shit what it's shaped like. I am all for animal rights, but stick to the fur issue, animal testing, and shit like that, not gummy candy.

I am also tired of all these religious groups saying Sponge Bob promotes gayness, the Teletubbies are gay, analyzing every fuckin' cartoon, every song, every show. Don't these people have jobs? They seem to have way too much free time on their hands to analyze all this shit. We all knew Ernie and Bert were gay for years, nobody said shit about it.....we got beyond it. In today's world every fuckin' thing is broken down and dissected. Last year we had the 10 month issue and debate over Janet Jackson's nipple, for me, it was old news by the first commercial break. You see more on the beach! I think our country moves more backwards sometimes than forward. These religious groups, if they are so holy, should be out working to feed poor kids, get them healthcare, work on raising monies to find cures for diseases, working in the inner cities to end poverty, shit like that. Not locking themselves up in a room analyzing an episode of Sponge Bob and then holding a press conference saying it's evil. There's so much to be done, let's put aside all this petty shit and get to the real shit....unfortunately someone's always going to be "outraged" or annoyed by something and make a big issue out of it. It's called getting a life.


Molly said...

Wow! I had not heard about this candy, that rocks. I think it sounds like fun.

You are so right...activist groups really seem to find the most obscure nit-picking off the wall cases to "support" their views. Activists have turned into reactionists. BIG difference.

Bridget Unnel said...

How anyone can accuse Spongebob of anything untoward is beyond me.

Now if they were targeting that Barney character? Yeah, THAT I'd understand. He's a mean, evil, twisted dinosaur... the purple is all about the bubbling rage inside, man, mark my words.... ;)

supplymadam said...

Where are all the groups protesting tooth decay?
I think these "groups" need to group together and get some "group