Thursday, February 24, 2005

Happy Ending Dessert

I listen to the radio or CD's all day at work. Lately the local radio station (one of only like 3 I can pick up in this office) has been advertising for Friendly's Restaurants. You all know Friendly's, home of awful food and pretty good ice cream. One of the "famous" things they are known for is their "happy ending" sundaes. I don't have a perverted mind by any means, but from watching TV shows on cable such as Curb Your Enthusiasm and others, they call a jerk-off at the end of a massage a "happy ending." So every time I hear "Come to Friendly's and enjoy one of our famous Happy Endings today", I can't help but crack up every time. I can picture eating a grilled cheese and a coke then being asked to "come with me" for my happy ending. I know it's stupid, but it's just one of those things I find amusing. I suppose the food wouldn't taste so bad after all and business would soar if their happy endings were the same as cable TV happy endings.

Happy Endings aside, I am hungry now......I guess all the talk of grilled cheese and ice cream got me thinking of lunch.

1 comment:

supplymadam said...

Happy Endings! That's a riot. Happy Endings for everyone!