Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Life Before E-Mail/Technology

Does anyone remember the world before e-mail? What the hell did we do? We called everyone everytime we wanted to make a nonsense comment? Or did we actually write on paper, lick the stamp, and drive to the post office? I know at work e-mail is great. You can talk shit about someone in the room to someone else without them knowing, you can keep in touch with people in other areas of the building, and you can deal with people you really don't want to deal with on a screen rather than seeing their annoying face or hearing their screechy fucking voices. haha I think before e-mail we just didn't bother with little Bs stuff. I think e-mail has enabled the average moron who would normally be too scared to come out of their cube and talk to actually communicate now. I get annoyed at voice mails now at work...I'm just like type it out you lazy prick, especially when it's a fucking 20 minute voice mail explaining something. Now I have to grab a pen and write your sorry ass information down because you were too lazy or too stupid to send me an e-mail. I hate that shit! Personal e-mail is great because you keep in touch with people you may not have otherwise without e-mail. We all have our few "e-mail only" friends. Maybe occasionally you see them, but without the e-mail to hide behind, you'd never hear from them.

Now we are all "connected", even 8 year olds have phones. The only phone I had at 8 was a fuckin' Snoopy phone with a Woodstock handle. Now kids have phones and CREDIT CARDS! I saw a 12 year old girl in Target the other day paying with a credit card! What the Hell? I had the fake credit card with the fake cash register from Playskool.... that's about it! The only "real" technology I had when I was 8 was a Snoopy Snow Cone Machine, That electronic Game "Simon" that lit up and you had to repeat the colors which was a fuckin' nightmare, and a Mickey Mouse radio.

I remember life before answering machines when I was a small kid. You called someone, they didn't pick up you were shit out of luck. The answering machine started it all. Having to hunt someone down by leaving them a message. Then the beeper craze. Then the mobile car phones that were the size of a fuckin' cement block. Now everyone has cell phones. How fucking annoying is it with 95% of the population carrying phones? You are on line at the movies and the clerk is yelling "NEXT, NEXT" and some douche is yapping away on his phone tying the line up. Or the assholes driving 20MPH on the parkway bullshitting with grandma. What I don't understand is who are these people talking to at 645am? I leave the house for work and people are driving in their cars on the phone. What the fuck is so important at 645 in the morning? First of all, unless I was bleeding to death, I wouldn't call anyone at 645am. Secondly, I'd kick the ass of anyone calling me at 645am unless they were in a hospital or a jail cell. It's bad enough I am going to deal with 100 e-mails and calls at work later in the day, why the fuck would I want to start the day yapping on a phone in my car? It's all about music and NOTHING else in the morning for me.

I am a big fan of the text message. Sometimes I want to let someone know I am thinking of them or I just want to say hi without a fuckin' 4 hour conversation. Texts rock. How much does it suck to call someone back that you really don't want to talk to? You always pray for the voice mail so you can leave a message and get credit for the call back. You call at strange hours when you know they won't pick up and you leave a message. Occasionally you get fucked and they pick up and you are caught off guard because you thought the voice mail would kick in and you're like "oh, hi, how are you?"....while on the inside you are saying "Shit, why the fuck did I call now!!!!!" You can't text someone you don't want to talk to because they know you are by your phone and if they are a pain in the ass they will try calling the second the text gets to them.

Technology, so good, yet so annoying.


Molly said...

I try not to remember life before email and the internet...those were definitely the dark ages!

I am a big fan of timing phone calls to get voicemail instead...I love leaving messages! Know what I hate? When you call expecting to leave a message and you know VM picks up on the 4th ring. You think you have achieved victory when on the 3.75th ring they answer...that always throws me for a loop, thus thwarting my plans and clever messages.

supplymadam said...

Oh technology is great! But what is so damn important that people have to walk around in public on the phone. Okay I can see if you're in the supermarket and you are supposed to pick up something for someone and they don't have the exact thing they want. It sure beats having to come back to the store or using a filthy,coughed on,slobbered on pay phone. But the casual conversation while in public,please! Are you trying to prove you are popular or you just can't deal with being in public places alone? I say hang up and drive,walk,shop or watch the damn movie.
I think all this technology is good and bad. Too much information, gotta check voice mail(home,work and cell)Gotta check e-mails(home and work) too uch input adds to stress which there is more of today than ever. But unfortunately you gotta do it.
I say less input and more fun! Let's rally.