Tuesday, February 15, 2005


It's amazing how people's opinions on cheating vary. The definition of "cheating" depends upon who you ask. Some people think it's a male-female thing, that a guy's opinion of cheating is different than that of a girl's. I disagree there. I think it depends not only on a person's conscience, but on their moral fiber. Some people think cheating on someone means that you have to have sex with someone else, kiss someone else, etc. Then there is debate over whether or not an "on-line" affair is cheating or not. I think people rationalize things to suit their situation for the most part.

I think cheating is taking action on something that you wouldn't be able to either do in front of your partner or something you do that you couldn't tell your partner. For instance, just going on a "date" behind someone's back is cheating whether something physical happens or not if you can't tell your partner about the "date." This "on-line" chatting isn't cheating unless it gets sexual and overly flirtatious, then it's crossing the line. I don't think having a "thought" about someone else is bad unless you either act upon it or your heart really wants to be with the other person. If you think about someone else too much or you yearn to be with them, then that's really not being honest with the person you are "with." I suppose being emotionally attached to someone else beyond the realm of something normal or healthy is cheating because you might be with your current partner physically, but mentally and emotionally you are with someone else. When you are with someone you "love" there should be no other person at that moment you'd rather be with, or what's the point? If you are thinking about being somewhere else or with someone else, then go! Innocent flirting or occasionally "checking out" someone attractive is normal for everyone as long as it's done tastefully and not done with disrespect to your partner.

What's your opinion on cheating???


Molly said...

And I thought this post was going to be about Steroids...

Charlie Mc said...

That's another post, another day! There will be ample baseball posts to come. :)

supplymadam said...

Geez who can even find the time. I'm sure we've all had the thoughts or even the curiosty about other people. I say the grass isn't always greener and it's just another way to head for trouble. To me it's just not worth it when you have someone who is always there for you. I guess that's not enough for some people. Maybe people should wait a little longer before tying the knot to make sure there are no doubts.

CiaFai said...

Cheating is CHEATING!! If you're with someone and you're talking to someone else,that's cheating too because your thoughts aren't just being friends, it about curiosity and you shouldn't be curious when you're with someone. Do it when you're no longer with your significant other. If I had a boyfriend and he kissed some other woman, that MF better have been drunk, because I would never take him back!! If you are with someone, that's it you are just with someone no point on hurting peoples feelings, if you cheat on them that must mean you're not happy. So get the fuck out of the relationship and do all the freaking exploring you want, don't do it on your girl/boy friends time.

Medusa said...

There is absolutely no excuse for cheating. I would never forgive anyone who cheats on me. I believe if you are unhappy with your partner, then you should get out of the relationship. There is just no need to cheat and cause pain to him/her. Cheating just proves that one is a dishonest and not a trustworthy person. And I would NEVER date someone who cheated before.