Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Pizza and Soda

Pizza and soda, what a combination. The meal of champions. Why is it that when I go to a pizza place to eat, I always get full on just 2 slices but when I order a pie and bring it home or have it delivered I can eat 4 or 5 slices? Is it that the pizza is freshly made when you order a full pie and it tastes better? Is it that the dough is soft on a fresh pie and it's easier to eat than a reheated slice you get at the pizza place? I often wondered why I can eat so much more when I bring it home.

With soda, why is it that when you drink soda from a can, it lasts forever? It takes a long time to hit bottom on that can, but if you pour your can of soda in a cup, you drink it fast and usually need more. I wonder what that phenomenon is called. Maybe it's because the soda that's still in the can contains more carbonation and you drink it slower? Maybe it's all mental, the fact that you can't actually see the soda?

No matter the reason for either, pizza and soda will always be on my training table.


Molly said...

Do they really call it Soda in your neck of the woods? Is it just an upstate NY thing to call it Pop? (yes I do know about Pittsburgh and the midwest, I am just talking NY here)

Charlie Mc said...

yeah, it's called soda here! Or we just say, can I have a coke, or a diet coke, or a sprite. But referring to the entire category, we call it soda.....Upstate are the only ones that call it "POP" in NY.

supplymadam said...

Nothing like fresh pizza or soda in a glass with ice. It's American!
Not a good thing to drink from a can outdoors in case a bee flies in there.I'll either look for a glass or keep my hand over the hole.
So the only marriage for pizza is soda or beer(period)