Friday, February 18, 2005

President's Day

A nice three day weekend approaches as we celebrate yet another President's Day. It's funny, but when we think of former Presidents we always think of the same names. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, and Reagan are some of the big ones that come to mind. How about Millard Fillmore (1850-53), we never hear anything about him. Or perhaps James Knox Polk (1845-49). Personally, I am a huge Chester A Arthur fan (1881-85). It's amazing how some leaders leave their mark for centuries and others are forgotten. Some are remembered for great accomplishments, some for shameful acts. Some are remembered for the impact they had on the lives of others, some for their selfish deeds.

I suppose that's true for all of us. If we were to tragically perish today, have we left our mark on those around us? Have we really left something behind for our loved ones to learn and grow from? Can we rest each night knowing we give our best to our friends, family, lovers, co-workers, or even strangers that we come across daily? Making an impact on others has always been something very important to me. I managed a few businesses over the years and making an impact on my employees' lives on a daily basis was so important to me. In my personal life, making an impact on those close to me is important as well. I often wonder how I am remembered by those I don't speak to or see anymore. I like to think I am looked upon in a positive light for the most part. There are always going to be people in life that you can't reach or those that you just don't get along with, that's normal. I am talking about the people we have all had some sort of relationship with, whether it be personal or professional. I think the things we do daily without even knowing it make an impact on others, both positively and negatively. For instance, the janitor that comes around and empties the garbage in my office two or three times a day I always thank and strike up a simple conversation with. I'm sure many people don't do that and he may feel insignificant about his job. After all, he is part of the team here and he should feel like a part of it. Or smiling and saying hi to someone you pass while you are out jogging or on line at the market. All these little things add a spark to someone's day. I think we should all take a step back once in a while and take stock in what we are all throwing out there to others. We should evaluate it every so often to ensure we are giving our all and making that positive impact on other people's lives and our own. Unlike the Presidents and their history that is carved in stone, we are all alive and well and we get a fresh chance each day to continue or start making a great impact on those around us. So, on this Presidents day, when you are home enjoying the extra day off, take a minute and think about how you are remembered by those that have come in and out of your life and how you'll be remembered by those currently in your life.


supplymadam said...

Interesting point of view.It makes you wonder. I remember things people have said to me and they probably don't even know it had an impact on me.(both positive and negative)

Anonymous said...

I love being friendly to people but sometimes when I am in a bad mood I don't want people talking to me on line in the store. You have to choose your participants carefully.