Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Pumping Gas

Unfortunately, it's something we all need to do....gas up our cars. I was filling my tank last night after work (which by the way now costs an arm and a few toes from my right foot) and I came across the situation at the pump which I despise. Why does the last 20 cents of fuel take longer to pump than the previous 20 dollars? Those last few cents take forever! WHY???? It pisses me off when it's cold or windy and you are standing out there waiting 10 minutes for the pump to go from $19.80 to $20.00!!!!! It's not too nice in summer either when you are sweating your ass off at the pump. Sometimes you go to a gas station where the entire pumping process is slow. Like you can count with the pump EVERY penny from $0.01 to whatever you are putting in the tank. I need to come up with gas pumping activities to pass the time. Would people think I am insane if I jogged in place or did jumping jacks? Maybe I can crank up the tunes and do a little dance. There has to be something to do to make the self serve process more fun.........I guess it still beats letting the gas dude pump it for you for $3.00 a gallon.

1 comment:

supplymadam said...

That bothers me too. I think they're hoping you get impatient and that you say forget it so they get to keep the last .20 especially if it's bitter cold. Maybe they figure .20 here and .20 there it will add up in their favor. Well at these prices I'm freezing till it's done!