I wish President Bush, and the entire Government for that matter, would stop claiming that they have "an agenda". It's not an agenda, it's a random collection of laws that corporations paid you to pass. The American people aren't demanding for a cap on medical malpractice awards. If a surgeon leaves an Altoids box in my chest cavity, I want to see him in debtor's prison.

Take Out the Altoids Box for $5 Million

To dudes in men's rooms, stop talking to me when I am peeing. We're not sharing a moment, we're just sharing adjacent urinals. Just stare straight ahead in awkward silence like you are supposed to. Same goes for when we are in an elevator, and especially when I am peeing in an elevator.
And finally, to close out the week, please don't make your answering machine message more than a few seconds long. Just say "Leave your name and number," and that's it!!!! Spare me the instructions to "wait for the beep", the 45 second recital from your 4 year old, and the background music. Keep it simple and have mercy on all of us.
Have an amazing weekend everyone, and LET'S GO YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with all those things...except for peeing in the elevator. That's a new one.
(And perhaps you should have included some mention of annoying blog spammers??)
Your prediction about the Yankees and the Sox seems to be proving more accurate than mine. Good thing I'm not a huge sports fan. I was only trying to be contrary!
I suspect my Tuesday prediction about New Hampshire will be far more accurate!
Have a great weekend!
Wow does that game operation bring back memories!!! I loved that game and played it a million times as a kid..Ha....yea why do women talk to me when I am sitting on the toilet peeing and they are outside the stall shouting in it trying to have a conversation....WTF? Anyways...have a good weekend!
I thought you were a stall man.
What's wrong with talking while you're peeing in the elevator?
I do it all the time...
I have to have a little noise or else I get stagefright and can't go!
I'll have to hand it to us women, getting stalls with doors when we pee...we're pretty lucky.
I don't get the whole talking while you pee thing anyway. Your peeing...do you deal and you can talk when you're done. Why must people carry on a conversation? I don't know. Annoying.
Nothing worse than trying to have a nice pee in and elevator and some jerk trying to make small talk!! Hey we have not seen or heard about Bruce! How is that cute dog doing?!
Bruce is great, I will have to snap a weekend photo of him!!!
Pee in an elevator...living it up when I'm going down....
Go Tribe! :)
I love Operation! We have just recently aquired the Homer Simpson edition! Its pretty funny!
It annoys me too when people try to converse with me while peeing. I think they try to cover up the sound of it or something! I won't kick their ass if we are in the same bathroom and they don't try to get to know me. I'm just trying to urinate for goodness sakes!
Have a great weekend!
On a side note (and I don't mean to be annoying I just have a disease where I have to correct people's grammar), the period goes inside the quotation mark. Sorry. I just had to say that.
I hope you have a great weekend Charlie. :)
Girls have been hanging out and chatting in the bathroom at work lately. It makes me feel very uncomfortable. It's like, I don't want to interupt their conversation by my pee stream and flush. Come on, move along ladies. Take it elsewhere!
Let's go Yankees...
clap, clap, clap-clap-clap...
Let's go Yankees...
clap, clap, clap-clap-clap...
I am introducing Isabella to the wonders of the yankee-red sox rivalry tonight. She best not soil her diaper during the bottom of the ninth
There is nothing worse than a long ass answering message. I don't need to hear some catchy little tune, where you are at, and especially anything you think is "cute" that your kids say. When you call me you hear "this is Rit...beep" I just want you to know you called the right person. Like the blog!
Yeah,the cutesy answering machine thing is just SOoooo 90's!
I'm 48 and would still play the game, if only to see how shaky my hands have gotten all these years.
The worst part of peeing is when there are four stalls, and the two outer ones are taken. Then you're forced to be next to someone else. Damn!
You so make me miss home. I was blog hopping and I'd forgotten how much I miss a throw down, tell it like it is New Yorker :)
I live in TX now--everyone pees in the elevators here.
Dakota :)
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I loved the game operation. They should make a new verson that is if you make the buzzer ring it flashes "Pay 500,000.00" or "Pay 1,000,000.00 depending on which organ you hit.
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