I go about three times a year to stock up on essentials such as paper towels, toilet paper, laundry detergent, garbage bags, and products of that nature. My average spend is about $500.00 per visit.

A Shopper's Paradise

There's something about these price clubs that make us lose our concept of logic and our sensibility. We find ourselves rationalizing the need for 10lbs of peanuts, a 5 gallon drum of cranberry juice, or a can of tuna fit for a full cafeteria of school children. I try not to go to these places on an empty stomach because I end up thinking just about everything I come across is a great deal. Here are some of the wacky things I've purchased at the price club that I had to seriously question myself about upon my return home:
*A 7lb. bag of Craisins. For those of you who don't know what Craisins are, they are dried cranberries that look similar to raisins. I felt the need to buy these on a trip to Costco about a year ago. The first handful or two were tasty and satisfying. As I got through the first two pounds I began to force feed myself these Craisins. By pound three, I wanted no part of these Craisins yet I felt bad about wasting them. These Craisins started showing up in everything we made. Muffins, pancakes, cereal, waffles, you name it. I could swear someone stuffed my chicken Parmesan with them just to get rid of them. I run from anything that resembles a Craisin. I've had nightmares of huge Craisins chasing me. Steer clear of the Craisins everyone, especially in a bag over one pound.
*A 6lb. bag of pretzels. In my mind, I pictured people over my house watching football eating pounds of pretzels. I failed to remember that when I have people over I cook enough to feed an army and snacks is the last thing anyone looks for. Needless to say, the 6lb. bag of pretzels I bought about a month ago still has 5.5lbs. in it and they expire in November. Looks like I'll be bringing these to work for people to enjoy.
*A 6lb tub of peanuts. These made their way to my office at work after sitting in my house for a month and me realizing that NOBODY was going to eat these at home. A peanut every once in a while is nice, but 6lbs.? I don't think so.
*A 4lb tub of Jelly Belly jelly beans. I like these, but after about two weeks they lose their novelty. These too are in my office and I am proud to say, they are almost gone now! Thanks to all those who ate them!
These are just a few of the items I bought at Costco for no real reason at all. They say movie theaters used to have subliminal messages during the movie to make people buy snacks and drinks. Costco definitely has to be doing something along these lines.
What's the most unnecessary item you have ever purchased at a price club?
THIS IS SO TRUE: There's something about these price clubs that make us lose our concept of logic and our sensibility
I just go nuts when I see shit in bulk. I could probably feed the whole damn neighborhood.
I love Costco,but I'm thrifty when I go there. I pretty much try and stick with items I know I will use. Like spices,paper goods,coffee,Philip Berio olive oil,meats and an occasional oversized package of goodies. I always like to pick up a bag of shrimp as well.
I'd love to comment, but I have this urge to run off to Costco!!!
Good to see you again!! I know, I know, I've been a very bad blogger. Forgive me?
I haven't been to one of these in a while, but when I used to go, I'd always buy way too much of something perishable, so I'd be eating like, a big block of cheese for breakfast, lunch and dinner so that I would use it up before it went bad.
"I failed to remember that when I have people over I cook enough to feed an army and snacks is the last thing anyone looks for."
Wow, I can definitely relate to that. I always cook too much and have snacks.
My mom used to buy gallon jugs of salsa for my dad... Salsa is good...until you see it in a gallon jug--that's just kinda gross.
I always wind up buying 60 packs of gum when I'm in there...and I don't chew that much gum!
I almost did a post on this today but got pissed off and did something else. But my post was going to be about how great Costco is for gas - I paid only $2.88 the other day for full serve!
I have never been to Price Club, but have Sam's! It is so easy to get carried away, I do believe in buying in bulk but now with a smaller place-storage is an issue.
My daughter, I bet would love the Crasins, but tks for the warning.
Your office surely loves you and it is nice you are a giver/and enjoys sharing.
To answer your question, I can't remember. 1)it has been quite awhile since buying there 2)Always watching out while loading up- what the final amount at the end will be after I get what I know I need but always it goes over what was in my mind to spend.
Great post!
LOL i love craisins! Crasin's chasing you..that's funny. I don't belong to a price club, but my mom does and I always make her buy stupid stuff like a 200 count pack of cupcakes. Oh wait, that's not stupid.
Yes, I go rarely only because I end spending a shitload of money on stuff that I don't really need but looked good at the time. I've bought freakin Post-its from that place. I don't need 20 Post-It pads at my place. I still have 15 stuffed in my drawer.
My mom bought me a 5lb bag of gummy bears while I was in college. The only problem? My roommate and I both hate orange ones. So we had a full pound of orange gummy worms after snacking on these things for months. So we started throwing them out the window of our dorm. And accidentally hit someone. So I half-way climbed out the window and stuck an orange gummy bear on the outside of our window (they tilted outwards, and from a 3rd story window, this was rather precarious), so it would look like someone from an above floor was the culprit.
I think those bears were still on the window when we moved out...
I totally relate... Last time when I was on Weight Watchers, I bought a box with more cans of green beens than I could ever eat. I thought it would be a perfect no point snack. I was over that idea in about a day, but at least my cabinet never looked empty!
We live at Sam's. With a family of five, it's OK to buy a case of ketchup. We'll use it, and every other case of crap we buy.
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