Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Word "Friend"

Often, I am left wondering what the definition of friendship is. There seems to me, to be a very fine line between being a friend and being used. I suppose that the definition depends on who you ask.

To be a friend.

My definition: To have similar interests, to be different enough that there is an opportunity to learn something new, to share experiences, to support, to accept unconditionally, to listen, to have your actions speak louder than your words, to know how to admit you are wrong and to know how to say you are sorry and mean it, to not feel any sort of unhealthy competition between each other. Friendship is a partial sharing of minds. The extent of that sharing depends on the depth to which the friendship goes. Each of a pair of friends paints a mental picture of the other in his or her mind. This picture has both intellectual and emotional elements. The process of building and maintaining this picture requires an openness of communication coupled with an honest inner exposure - of him or herself.

Because friends care about each other, one should never attempt to force, coerce or control the other to change for the better. One friend should only inform the other of the way he or she feels. The care or concern will motivate the informed friend to change him or herself for the better. Because friends care for each other, they should never use each other as a means to an end - as a human resource to be used and abused for self gain.

What I've experienced (in everyday life) - very little of the above with most people.

I realized a long time ago that most people I know in my everyday life are not, and never have been friends. They are users. Sure, I have friendships, many that have lasted for years and many that are relatively new and I cherish those because so many people really don't know what friendship is.

It's not often that I can have a real conversation with someone. I have listened to people bitch and moan, request, preach, inflate and flat out lie. When they're done and they feel better, they disappear until the next time. Those aren't friends. Those are people who make you the flavor of the month, they come to you on a whim when they are in need and then vanish until they need their next ego boost or crisis solved.

I do not seek attention. I do not brag. I know that I'm not "better than" anyone, nor have I ever claimed to be. I have no desire to compete. I am not an expert, self proclaimed or otherwise, on anything. I have no expectations of any person as it almost always leads to disappointment, I don't set myself up. I am content with what I do, the way I do it, what I think, how I feel and what I have. I am just as comfortable standing in the shadows as I am under the spotlight, but just as comfortable stepping forward when I am asked to. When something good happens for someone, I am among the first to congratulate and be truly happy for them. When someone needs assistance, I offer.

Not many people in my everyday life knows any of that about me. All they would have to do is take a breath, and listen and they would see it.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Nice site. My small site about microbiotic diet is sometimes a pain to keep up with and needs work. Good job!

Marie said...

This is such a thoughtful post, Charlie. I very relate to what you wrote and your definition of friendships. I have had to weed people out of my life over the years - those who simply take and take and don't really know or care about me. It's kind of a wake up call when that happens and you truly come to realize who your friends are.

Darcey said...

How is it that you echo exactly what I wonder right now? I'm really frustrated with the "support" being offered by a friend. It feels more like "judgement" which I don't like. Gaaaahhhhh...

Heather said...

Sounds like you have a lot on your mind, Pal...

I have wondered the same thing as well.

My mom has always told me that I'm blessed with a certain charisma. This is nice. To be a leader, to inspire others...but, sometimes, other people just get close to you to try to take some of that away. Yes, they need it and I'm all about supporting a friend in need, but I shouldn't be responsible for their entire sense of self esteem and filling up their social schedule. It's not fair to either one of you.

I have many friends that I keep in contact with, but not constantly. Not on a daily basis, but they're not there to take anything from me and that's okay with me.

Wow...I just realized that I hopped up on my famous soapbox for a minute there. I'll get down. Your post, not mine... Sorry! ;)

Southern Sweetheart said...

What a wonderful post on friendship Charlie. It's amazing how eloquently you stated my exact thoughts on this subject. It's so hard to find true/real friends -- that when I do (which are few very close ones) I cherish them wholeheartedly.... Not many people are "inside my walls" -- for the reasons you stated (being judged the main reason) -- I don't like being vulnerable (neither does anyone else I would assume) and TRUE friends never make you feel that way.....

Unknown said...

Very Nice post. I am finally impressed. :)

Anonymous said...

Excellent post Charlie! Sometimes, I really think you can see inside me and read my mind. I feel the same way about people. I don't think too many know what it means to be a true friend anymore. I often wonder why more people can't be like me. LOL. It's nice to know that you are. And it's nice to learn some more personal things about you. :)

supplymadam said...

Sounds familiar. I don't like when people take advantage myself. I always try to be an open ear for people and then there are 1 or 2 that are so self absorbed they don't reciprocate the favor. One in particular always tells me she values our friendship. I am finding out that it isn't a friendship but a form of abuse. This one never calls to shoot the breeze. It always starts out like that but then there is always a favor attached. I am slowly weening away from this so called "friendship" because with friends like know the rest. Whenever she calls my husband says "It's the user"

My Mom always tells me I am too nice. At my age I started taking her advice to "Just say No"

supplymadam said...

That anonymous with the microbiotic diet. I don't know who that is but that is a very healthy way of eating.

Fred said...

Nice post. Well said.

Natsthename said...

I'm willing to bet that SOMEONE notices out there, but they don't say anything.

Great post!